About the Author

Raised in New York City, Michael R. Halleran received his education at Kenyon College (A.B.) and Harvard University (A.M. and Ph.D.). He has written extensively on Greek literature, especially on tragedy and Euripides. Among other publications, Dr. Halleran has previously published translations, with notes and essays, of Heracles and Hippolytus. Since its inception in 1990, he has been on the editorial board of Bryn Mawr Classical Review. Dr. Halleran has also served as a Divisional Dean of Arts and Humanities (University of Washington), Dean of Arts and Sciences (University of Miami), and Provost (William and Mary), where he was the NEH Professor of Classical Studies. He is now Provost and Professor of Classical Studies Emeritus at William & Mary.


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Euripides' Alcestis Copyright © by Michael R. Halleran is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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