
10. End of Chapter Questions

Discussion Questions

  1. What strengths and challenges are present for Max in each element of the SETT framework?
  2. Who are the important collaborators in evaluating Max’s need for assistive technology and developing an implementation plan?
  3. Other than the oral presentation Standards of Learning, in what other grade-level standards might Max experience difficulty as a result of his communication needs?
  4. What communication goals might be appropriate for Max’s IEP? How might assistive technology be integrated into the goals?
  5. Other than AAC devices, what other assistive technology tools or services could be appropriate for Max?
  6. In what areas might Max require Specially Designed Instruction?
  7. In your opinion, which of the two proposed options for Tools and Technology would be best for Max? Why?
  8. What assistive technology training might be needed for the adults who interact with Max in school and the community to support the use of assistive technology?
  9. How can educators find information on assistive technology devices or services?
  10. How can educators keep up with the ever changing technology devices and services?

Family and Guardian Communication

  1. Draft a questionnaire seeking student or family member input for an assistive technology assessment.
  2. Create a handout or video comparing two assistive technology tools (such as the speech-generating device and picture-communication boards considered for Max) to share with family members.
  3. Explain the difference between assistive technology consideration and assistive technology assessment in jargon-free language.
  4. Describe the process for developing an assistive technology plan and incorporating it into the IEP in jargon-free language. Make sure to include information about the monitoring process.


  1. Work with a team or partner to further elaborate the SETT information for Max. Identify what you know, what additional information you need to know to make a more informed decision about assistive technology, and how you would go about collecting that additional information.
  2. Work with a partner or team to write an implementation plan for Max.

Instructor Notes

The following activities may be meaningful ways for students to interact with the case studies and introductory content from this chapter:

  • Evaluate a school division’s guidance documents for evidence of the QIAT indicators.
  • Create a school division policy or procedures document describing the processes for assistive technology considerations, assessment, implementation, and/or integration into the IEP.
  • Assign students to compare and contrast VATTS and WATI and make recommendations about implementation.
  • Assign students to work in groups to complete the VATTS using the information provided about Max or another case study student.



A Case Study Guide to Special Education Copyright © by Jennifer Walker; Melissa C. Jenkins; and Danielle Smith. All Rights Reserved.