
7. End of Chapter Questions

Discussion Questions

  1. In Morgan’s case study, what was the average time per day that Morgan exhibited self-injurious behavior? (Add all seconds, divide by the number of days)
  2. In Morgan’s case study, what was the average time per episode? (Add all seconds, divide by the number of episodes.
  3. What is the range of time per school day that Morgan engages in self-injurious behavior?
  4. What is the range of time per episode that Morgan engages in self-injurious behavior?
  5. What might be an antecedent for Morgan’s self-injurious behavior? Identify at least 3 possibilities. Support your answer using data.
  6. What is the consequence of Morgan’s self-injurious behavior? Identify at least 2 possibilities. Support your answer using data.
  7. What might be reinforcing Morgan’s behavior? How do you know? How could you test this hypothesis?
  8. Hypothesize Morgan’s behavior using the following formula: “Under X conditions, Morgan does Y to get Z.”
  9. Based on the data and plan for Ivo, what do you hypothesize is the function of Ivo’s behavior? What evidence supports this hypothesis?
  10. What other antecedents or consequences could be changed or implemented to support Ivo given the function of his behavior?
  11. What other data might be beneficial to best understand Ivo’s behavior? How would this information support the FBA/ BIP?
  12. Given that Ivo is doing better with his targeted behaviors, at what point should the team discontinue the BIP? What evidence suggests this decision is accurate?
  13. How were Morgan’s and Ivo’s teams the same and/ or different with collecting data?
  14. How could Morgan’s and Ivo’s teams have done better with data collection?

Family and Guardian Communication

  1. Imagine you are meeting with Morgan’s parents and they want to know more about the data collection. How would you succinctly and correctly explain what the team collected?
  2. If Mrs. McMillon asked you to help her generate an antecedent and consequence checklist for behavior observation at home, what questions might you ask her? What ideas might you give her?
  3. Write an email to the McMillon family explaining how to use the competing pathways document to support a plan for home for Ivo.


  1. Student groups work together to fill in a Competing Pathways Document for either Morgan or Ivo. A template can be found at google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=&ved=2ahUKEwiD06_NvuKEAxVANVkFHcI3BgEQFnoECBoQAQ&url=https%3A%2F%2Fpbismissouri.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2017%2F12%2F7F-HO1-BIP-Template.docx&usg=AOvVaw0hx0dRsr0vm_XRO480gcbA&opi=89978449
  2. Work with classmates to write a BIP for Morgan given the data presented during her meeting. If you need additional data, create a mock data set that can be used to support your BIP.

Instructor Notes

The provided case studies lend themselves to discussions about data collection, functional analysis, competing pathways, FBAs, and BIPs. A mock FBA/ BIP meeting using either set of data can help students develop an understanding of roles and decision-making as it relates to behavior related topics. Assigning roles, to include an upset general education teacher or an angry parent can help students practice how to discuss behavioral challenges in such a way that is respectful, but honest.


The following websites and links provide a wealth of information to support students with understanding behaviors and developing FBAs and BIPs. These should be shared as it relates to content given the extensive nature of these websites.

Evidence-based Classroom Strategies: https://osepideasthatwork.org/supporting-and-responding-behavior-evidence-based-classroom-strategies-teachers

High Leverage Practices for Social/ Emotional/ Behavioral topics: https://highleveragepractices.org/four-areas-practice-k-12/social-emotional-behavioral

PBIS Data Tracking: https://www.pbisworld.com/data-tracking/

Virginia Department of Education FBA/ BIP Guidance Document: https://www.doe.virginia.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/15644/638034223266870000

VDOE Functional Assessment Checklist: https://www.doe.virginia.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/28521/638046292303430000

VDOE Functional Behavior Assessment Interview Forms: https://www.doe.virginia.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/28519/638046292299200000

VDOE ABC Observation Form and Functional Assessment Scatterplot: https://www.doe.virginia.gov/home/showpublisheddocument/28515/638046292288900000


A Case Study Guide to Special Education Copyright © by Jennifer Walker; Melissa C. Jenkins; and Danielle Smith. All Rights Reserved.