
8. Case Studies

Case Study 1: Jake

Jake Davidson is a 17 year old student entering the 12th grade at Shire Farms High School. He was identified as a student with autism and a related speech-language impairment in first grade. Jake has been receiving special education services through the same school division since kindergarten. Jake lives with his mom and dad. He has an older sister who has recently moved away to attend college.

Jake was due for triennial evaluation and the team used existing data to confirm his continued eligibility for special education services. The Prior Written Notice documents the team’s decision follows, and provides detailed information about Jake’s educational history that could be relevant to transition planning.

Prior Written Notice

Name: Jake Davidson   School: Shire Hill High School     Meeting Date: August 20, 20xx

Student ID: 8675309           Age: 17-4                Grade: 12

Type of Meeting:

☐ IEP    x Eligibility     ☐ Team Review

☐ Manifestation Determination    ☐ Other:

Describe the action that the school division proposes or refuses to take:

The eligibility team proposes to find Jake eligible for special education services under the categories of Autism (primary) and Speech-Language Impairment (related service) using existing data, without the need for updated assessment.

Explanation of why the school division is proposing or refusing to take action:

The team determined that sufficient data exist to support Jake’s continued eligibility as a student with autism. Specifically he continues to demonstrate impairments in social interaction; restricted, repetitive and stereotyped patterns of behaviors, interests, and activities; and impairments in communication which adversely affect his educational performance.

Additionally, the team determined that sufficient data exist supporting the need for Speech-Language therapy as a related service. Jake continues to demonstrate a significant discrepancy in receptive language, expressive language, and pragmatics which adversely affect his educational performance.

Description of each evaluation procedure, assessment, record, or report the school division used in deciding to propose or refuse the action: 

The team conducted an extensive file review dating back to Jake’s initial evaluation and paired that with current classroom information. The file review revealed that Jake was initially found eligible for special education services as a student with a Developmental Delay in preschool. He received special education in a self-contained non-categorical classroom in preschool and kindergarten. He was evaluated by the Kennedy Krieger Institute in the winter of his kindergarten year. The Childhood Autism Rating Scale (CARS) and Gilliam Autism Rating Scale (GARS) were completed as part of that evaluation. A score of 37 was obtained for the CARS, placing Jake in the clearly autistic range. The GARS score of 106 placed in the very likely range of autism. Jake was also noted to have “probable attention deficit disorder – combined type” and a “behavior disorder – not otherwise specified.” The clinician noted low frustration tolerance and escape motivated behaviors.

Jake completed a school-based evaluation at the beginning of his first-grade year. The evaluator attempted to administer the Wechsler Preschool & Primary Scale of Intelligence but was unable to complete any of the tasks that required oral expression. The evaluator was able to obtain a Nonverbal Index score of 65 (significantly below average), which was believed to be an underestimate of Jake’s cognitive abilities. The evaluator was not able to obtain any other scores during that evaluation. The team was not able to complete any standardized measures of academic achievement at that time. However, results from the Vineland-II were in the Low Range for all domains with a composite score of 60. Jake also surpassed cutoff scores in the areas of communication and reciprocal interaction on the Autism Diagnostic Observation Scale.

Formal testing was not attempted again until Jake was in middle school. At that time, he was found eligible under the categories of Autism and Speech-Language Impairment. The Vineland II was competed again, at that time. Jake’s overall adaptive skills were found to be in the low to moderately low range across all domains. Jake was also given the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales- 5th Edition. His Full Scale IQ score was 49, with a nonverbal IQ of 55 and a verbal IQ of 48. Jake demonstrated personal strengths in the areas of Quantitative Reasoning (4th percentile) and Visual Spatial Processing (9th percentile). The Woodcock Johnson Test of Achievement – 3rd Edition was also administered. Jake performed in the Well Below Average range in math, oral language, and reading. He performed in the Below Average range in written language. Scores on the CARS-2nd Edition indicated high moderate presentation of characteristics associated with autism.

Current Speech-Language Report: Jake receives 90 minutes of speech/language services each month. Services are delivered using both push-in/collaborative therapy service models and pull-out/individual therapy service models. Jake is friendly and kind. He has been performing consistently on his annual speech goals. Jake demonstrates difficulties answering “why” questions, sequencing, and retelling. Jake often becomes overwhelmed by the thought of not being able to answer a question immediately and will choose not to attempt a response beyond “I don’t know.” The therapist has been working with Jake to stop and think before stating “I don’t know.”

Current Teacher Input: Jake is working on the Adapted Curriculum. He received the following grades for his 11th grade year: Adaptive Music – A, Adaptive PE – A, Creative Writing – A, Independent Living Skills – A, Language Arts – B, Math – A, Social Studies – A.

Jake is a very independent student. He requires time to process questions and will often tell you that he does not know an answer. When given choices, he is able to answer questions 80% of the time. Jake will often sit looking at his paper or wait until prompted to start working. Jake will sometimes copy another student’s paper or repeat another student’s answer.

In art, Jake is able to work independently and has basic art skills such as cutting, gluing, and drawing. He has difficulty following simple directions in art class.

In his Creative Expressions class, Jake is friendly and loves to please. He loves helping and contributing to class. He needs clear directions, a predictable schedule, and limited options. Jake doesn’t like loud noises and gets frustrated when confused.

In Language Arts, Jake demonstrates strengths in phonemic awareness and spelling. Jake’s reading comprehension score improved from a Lexile of  685 to 785 during his 11th grade year. His reading fluency rate increased from 76 words per minute to 123 words per minute. He excelled at answering Yes/No questions. Jake also enjoys asking Yes/No questions of his peers and staff.

In Math, Jake’s strength relates to computation with money. He can count bills and coins up to $1000.00. He can tell time to the nearest minute on digital and analog clocks. He has difficulty with elapsed time. Jacke can solve multi-step math problems using addition, subtraction, and simple multiplication. He can interpret simple bar graphs, organization charts, and histograms and answer questions related to those visuals.

In his Independent Living Skills class, Jake participates in work opportunities at a local Harris Teeter and Marshalls. His teachers report that he is a hard worker. He is able to stay on task and remain focused.

Description of any other choices that the team considered and the reasons why those choices were rejected: 

The team considered conducting additional assessments to provide updated information, but chose not to, as Jake’s performance on standardized measures has been consistent since elementary school. The team determined that a review of Jake’s educational records, paired with current classroom data offered sufficient information to determine Jake’s eligibility and develop a subsequent IEP.

The team considered Speech Language Impairment as a secondary disability. However, the language impairments that Jake displays are directly associated with his presentation of autism. Therefore, it was determined that Speech/Language therapy is best offered as a related service.

Description of other reasons or other factors relevant as to why the school division proposed or refused the action: 

Jake has completed all required elements of the Virginia Alternative Assessment Program. Parents had no concerns about the eligibility determination.

Resources for the parent to contact for help in understanding the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the related federal and Virginia Regulations: 

Parents can contact the school division’s Office of Special Education for help in understanding IDEA.

If this notice is not the initial referral for evaluation, explain how the parent was provided a copy of the procedural safeguards: 

Procedural safeguards were offered at this meeting and declined by the parent.

Transition Assessment

In preparation for the annual IEP meeting following the eligibility decision, the school team conducted a transition assessment. For the assessment, the case manager conducted a parent interview just prior to the IEP meeting and had Jake complete the Holland Code Career Quiz. Findings of the interview were reported as follows: Per parent interview, Jake is very easy going. Once he is shown how to do a task, he is able to do his job independently. Placing Jake in a job that requires limited interactions with others is preferred such as stocking shelves. Parents expressed a desire for Jake to attend a vocational training program.

The Holland Code Career Quiz is a free, online assessment in which participants indicate the degree to which they like or dislike performing a variety of tasks such as repairing a dishwasher, analyzing the structure of molecules, or designing an advertisement. Responses result in a career interest profile which ranks the participant’s interests in the areas of Building, Thinking, Creating, Helping, Persuading, and Organizing. These interest areas are then linked to potential careers. The Holland Code Career Quiz ranked Jake’s career interest areas as follows:

    • Building – 60%
    • Thinking – 69%
    • Creating – 100%
    • Helping – 39%
    • Persuading – 94%
    • Organizing – 62%

Based on these results, the report indicated that Jake’s primary career interest area was “Creating.” The report included a list of careers to explore which included Advertising and Promotions Manager, Sales Manager, Lawyer, Public Relations Manager, Top Executive, and Art Director.

Case Study 2: Stella

Stella Dodson is a graduating 12th grade student identified as a student with a specific learning disability (SLD). She was first identified for special education services in second grade and struggles with working memory and visual and auditory processing. She is working towards a standard diploma and has completed all requirements for that diploma. She has been accepted to college and will be attending that college in the fall, but upon graduation, she isn’t sure what she wants to study or what career might be of interest to her. Throughout her high school career, the electives she completed were as follows: Journalism 1 and 2, Functional Art, Photography 1, 2, and 3, African American Studies, Sociology, Introduction to Horticulture, Floral Design, Nutrition and Wellness, and Fashion Marketing. She completed 3 math courses (Algebra, Geometry, and Algebra 2), 4 English courses, 2 physical education courses, 4 history or government courses, 3 sciences (Earth Science, Biology, and Chemistry), and a required Economics and Personal Finance course. She has worked part-time for three summers as a lifeguard. A series of her transition plans are included below.


Individualized Education Program (Select Components)

Student Name: Stella Dodson

Grade: 8th grade

Age: 13

Disability(ies): Specific Learning Disability

Diploma and Transition Status

Diploma/ Program Completion Status: Discuss at least annually, more often as appropriate. This student is a candidate for a(n):

X Advanced Studies Diploma

☐ Standard Diploma

☐ Applied Studies Diploma

☐ Certificate of Program Completion

☐ Certificate of High School Equivalency Exam

☐ GAD (General Achievement Diploma) (must meet specific requirements)

☐ Not discussed at this time

Credit Accommodations

It has been determined that the student is eligible to use credit accommodations to obtain the Standard Diploma.

__X__No   ____Yes

If yes, the signed participation criteria form and supporting documentation must be completed and made available upon request.

Projected Graduation/ Exit Date: ___2024______

Is the student projected to graduate/ exit school this year? __X___No _____Yes

If yes, inform the student and parents that a Summary of Performance will be provided prior to graduating/ exiting school.

Note: Special education and related services end upon receiving an Advanced Studies or Standard Diploma. If the student receives any other diploma or certificate, the student remains entitled to a free and appropriate education through age 21.

Summary of Performance:

Will the student be graduating with a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma or exceeding the age of eligibility this year? __X__No _____Yes

If yes, a Summary of Performance must be provided to the student prior to graduating or exceeding the age of eligibility.

Interagency Release of Information:

Is there a current signed release of confidential information on file with the school?

_X___No      ____Yes

If no, discuss the form for transition planning with the student and family.


Individualized Education Program Transition Plan

Measurable Postsecondary Goals and Transition Services (to be developed no later than the IEP in effect at age 14, or earlier, if appropriate)

Documentation of Transition Assessments:

Are postsecondary goals based on age-appropriate formal and informal transition assessments?

____No __X__Yes

If yes, identify assessments conducted for the development of measurable postsecondary goals and transition activities, as well as the date conducted.

Formal and Informal Assessments (list name of assessment and date administered):

Discussion with case manager on 02/07/20xx. She would like to be a designer for clothes or an interior designer.

Measurable Postsecondary Employment Goal: 

After high school Stella will engage in competitively paid employment.

Describe how the student’s courses of study support attainment of this postsecondary goal: 

The course of study will lead to a high school diploma.

Transition Activities and Services: 

Responsibility and Activity Considered, but not appropriate at this time Responsible Individual Date to be Completed
Instruction; Monitor progress in general education High School Guidance and High School 02/08/20xx
Related Services X
Community Experiences X
Employment X
Functional Vocational Evaluation X
Daily Living Skills X
Adult Living X
Other (to include assistive technology, accessible materials, self-determination, etc.) X


Measurable Postsecondary Employment Goal: 

After high school Stella will attend a 4 year university.

Describe how the student’s courses of study support attainment of this postsecondary goal: 

The course of study will lead to a high school diploma which is needed for continuing education.

Transition Activities and Services: 

Responsibility and Activity Considered, but not appropriate at this time Responsible Individual Date to be Completed
Instruction; Monitor progress in general education High School Guidance and High School 02/08/20xx
Related Services X
Community Experiences X
Employment X
Functional Vocational Evaluation X
Daily Living Skills X
Adult Living X
Other (to include assistive technology, accessible materials, self-determination, etc.) X


Measurable Postsecondary Employment Goal: 

During high school Stella will have part time employment for job skills training.

Describe how the student’s courses of study support attainment of this postsecondary goal:

The course of study will lead to a high school diploma which is needed for competitive employment.

Transition Activities and Services: 

Responsibility and Activity Considered, but not appropriate at this time Responsible Individual Date to be Completed
Instruction; Monitor progress in general education High School Guidance and High School 02/08/20xx
Related Services X
Community Experiences X
Employment X
Functional Vocational Evaluation X
Daily Living Skills X
Adult Living X
Other (to include assistive technology, accessible materials, self-determination, etc.) X


Does the postsecondary goal(s) reflect the student’s needs taking into account the student’s strengths, preferences, and interests? ___Yes_____


Individualized Education Program (Select Components)

Student Name: Stella Dodson

Grade: 10th grade

Age: 15

Disability(ies): Specific Learning Disability

Diploma and Transition Status

Diploma/ Program Completion Status: Discuss at least annually, more often as appropriate. This student is a candidate for a(n): 

X  Advanced Studies Diploma

X  Standard Diploma

☐ Standard Diploma

☐ Applied Studies Diploma

☐ Certificate of Program Completion

☐ Certificate of High School Equivalency Exam

☐ GAD (General Achievement Diploma) (must meet specific requirements)

☐ Not discussed at this time

Credit Accommodations

It has been determined that the student is eligible to use credit accommodations to obtain the Standard Diploma.

__X__No ____Yes

If yes, the signed participation criteria form and supporting documentation must be completed and made available upon request.

Projected Graduation/ Exit Date: ___20xx______

Is the student projected to graduate/ exit school this year? __X___No _____Yes

If yes, inform the student and parents that a Summary of Performance will be provided prior to graduating/ exiting school.

This student is not scheduled to graduate next year. This student is eligible to receive services through age 21 (have not reached their 22nd birthday on or before September 30th). The student would exit the special education program noted in “anticipated graduation status” above, provided she has not received a standard or advanced diploma.

Note: Special education and related services end upon receiving an Advanced Studies or Standard Diploma. If the student receives any other diploma or certificate, the student remains entitled to a free and appropriate education through age 21.

Summary of Performance:

Will the student be graduating with a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma or exceeding the age of eligibility this year? __X__No _____Yes

If yes, a Summary of Performance must be provided to the student prior to graduating or exceeding the age of eligibility.

Interagency Release of Information:

Is there a current signed release of confidential information on file with the school?

____No      _X___Yes

If no, discuss the form for transition planning with the student and family.


Individualized Education Program Transition Plan

Measurable Postsecondary Goals and Transition Services (to be developed no later than the IEP in effect at age 14, or earlier, if appropriate)

Documentation of Transition Assessments:

Are postsecondary goals based on age-appropriate formal and informal transition assessments?

____No __X__Yes

If yes, identify assessments conducted for the development of measurable postsecondary goals and transition activities, as well as the date conducted.

Formal and Informal Assessments (list name of assessment and date administered):

Post-secondary conversation with case manager on 1/25/20xx. Stella would like to start her own event planning company after college.

Measurable Postsecondary Employment Goal: 

After high school Stella will work part-time to gain skills to open up her own event planning company.

Describe how the student’s courses of study support attainment of this postsecondary goal: 

At this point Stella is taking the required classes and electives to graduate and pursue college and  career options.

Transition Activities and Services: 

Responsibility and Activity Considered, but not appropriate at this time Responsible Individual Date to be Completed
Instruction; Stella is taking the required classes to graduate along with electives to help her career choices. Case manager and/ or guidance counselor and High School 01/31/20xx
Related Services X
Community Experiences X
Employment X
Functional Vocational Evaluation X
Daily Living Skills X
Adult Living X
Other (to include assistive technology, accessible materials, self-determination, etc.) X


Measurable Postsecondary Employment Goal: 

After high school Stella will attend college to gain the skills necessary to open up her own event planning company.

Describe how the student’s courses of study support attainment of this postsecondary goal: 

At this point Stella is taking the required classes to graduate and pursue college goals.

Transition Activities and Services:

Responsibility and Activity Considered, but not appropriate at this time Responsible Individual Date to be Completed
Instruction; Stella is taking the required classes to graduate along with electives to help her career choices. Case manager and/ or guidance counselor and High School 01/31/20xx
Related Services X
Community Experiences X
Employment X
Functional Vocational Evaluation X
Daily Living Skills X
Adult Living X
Other (to include assistive technology, accessible materials, self-determination, etc.) X


Measurable Postsecondary Employment Goal: 

After high school Stella will work in the field of event planning to give her needed skills and experience to start her own company.

Describe how the student’s courses of study support attainment of this postsecondary goal: 

At this point Stella is taking the required classes to graduate and pursue college goals.

Transition Activities and Services:

Responsibility and Activity Considered, but not appropriate at this time Responsible Individual Date to be Completed
Instruction; Stella is taking the required classes to graduate along with electives to help her career choices. Stella will also meet with her guidance counselor and/ or case manager on a regular basis to plan and request future classes. Case manager and/ or guidance counselor and High School 01/31/20xx
Related Services X
Community Experiences X
Employment X
Functional Vocational Evaluation X
Daily Living Skills X
Adult Living X
Other (to include assistive technology, accessible materials, self-determination, etc.) X


If a transition activity/ service has been considered but not appropriate at this time, explain why these transition activities/ services are not appropriate for this postsecondary goal:

Stella actively participates with daily chores at home and has maintained a job for several years.

Does the postsecondary goal(s) reflect the student’s needs taking into account the student’s strengths, preferences, and interests? ___Yes_____


Individualized Education Program (Select Components)

Student Name: Stella Dodson

Grade: 12th grade

Age: 17

Disability(ies): Specific Learning Disability

Diploma and Transition Status

Diploma/ Program Completion Status: Discuss at least annually, more often as appropriate. This student is a candidate for a(n):

☐ Advanced Studies Diploma

X  Standard Diploma

☐ Standard Diploma

☐ Applied Studies Diploma

☐ Certificate of Program Completion

☐ Certificate of High School Equivalency Exam

☐ GAD (General Achievement Diploma) (must meet specific requirements)

☐ Not discussed at this time

Credit Accommodations

It has been determined that the student is eligible to use credit accommodations to obtain the Standard Diploma.

____No __X__Yes

If yes, the signed participation criteria form and supporting documentation must be completed and made available upon request.

Projected Graduation/ Exit Date: ___20xx______

Is the student projected to graduate/ exit school this year? _____No __X___Yes

If yes, inform the student and parents that a Summary of Performance will be provided prior to graduating/ exiting school.

This student is scheduled to graduate with a standard diploma in 20xx. At that time this student will have met all the requirements for a standard diploma in this school division and the commonwealth of Virginia. The awarding of such a diploma will terminate all special education and related services for this student in this school division and the Commonwealth of Virginia.

Note: Special education and related services end upon receiving an Advanced Studies or Standard Diploma. If the student receives any other diploma or certificate, the student remains entitled to a free and appropriate education through age 21.

Summary of Performance:

Will the student be graduating with a Standard or Advanced Studies Diploma or exceeding the age of eligibility this year? ____No __X___Yes

If yes, a Summary of Performance must be provided to the student prior to graduating or exceeding the age of eligibility.

Interagency Release of Information:

Is there a current signed release of confidential information on file with the school?

_X___No      ____Yes

If no, discuss the form for transition planning with the student and family.


Individualized Education Program Transition Plan

Measurable Postsecondary Goals and Transition Services (to be developed no later than the IEP in effect at age 14, or earlier, if appropriate)

Documentation of Transition Assessments:

Are postsecondary goals based on age-appropriate formal and informal transition assessments?

____No __X__Yes

If yes, identify assessments conducted for the development of measurable postsecondary goals and transition activities, as well as the date conducted.

Formal and Informal Assessments (list name of assessment and date administered):

Comprehensive High School Transition Survey Plus Interview in multiple areas. Completed on January 11, 20xx. Stella is currently considering the US Coast Guard Academy or attending a 4 year college for interior design. Stella has also considered being a flight attendant in the past.

Measurable Postsecondary Employment Goal: 

After high school Stella will work part-time perhaps at her local swim club to make money for college.

Describe how the student’s courses of study support attainment of this postsecondary goal: 

At this point Stella has worked for several years as a lifeguard to make money and academically, Stella is taking the required classes and electives to graduate and pursue college and/ or career options..

Transition Activities and Services:

Responsibility and Activity Considered, but not appropriate at this time Responsible Individual Date to be Completed
Instruction; Stella has met with her counselor and/ or case manager on a regular basis to set up her classes for graduation and her electives to help meet future needs. Case manager and/ or guidance counselor and High School 01/31/20xx
Related Services X
Community Experiences X
Employment X
Functional Vocational Evaluation X
Daily Living Skills X
Adult Living X
Other (to include assistive technology, accessible materials, self-determination, etc.) X


Measurable Postsecondary Employment Goal: 

After high school Stella will attend the US Coast Guard Academy or a 4 year college.

Describe how the student’s courses of study support attainment of this postsecondary goal: 

Stella is currently passing all of her required classes to earn a standard diploma in May 20xx. Within her studies she has taken many electives in different fields of interest to help her achieve goals after graduation.

Transition Activities and Services:

Responsibility and Activity Considered, but not appropriate at this time Responsible Individual Date to be Completed
Instruction; Stella has met with her counselor and/ or case manager on a regular basis to set up her classes for graduation and her electives to help meet future needs. Case manager and/ or guidance counselor and High School 01/31/20xx
Related Services X
Community Experiences X
Employment X
Functional Vocational Evaluation X
Daily Living Skills X
Adult Living X
Other (to include assistive technology, accessible materials, self-determination, etc.) X


If a transition activity/ service has been considered but not appropriate at this time, explain why these transition activities/ services are not appropriate for this postsecondary goal:

Stella actively participates with daily chores at home and has maintained a job for several years.

Does the postsecondary goal(s) reflect the student’s needs taking into account the student’s strengths, preferences, and interests? ___Yes_____


Comprehensive High School Transition Survey Plus Interview (Select Responses Included)

Future Adult Goal: Unsure, maybe party planning, hospitality, recreational therapy, dietician, or Coast Guard.

Do you currently have a job? Yes

Where do you work? At the Swim Club as a lifeguard

What are your responsibilities? Make sure everyone is safe in the water and around the pool, clean the pool area, work at the snack bar, check people into the pool.

Circle the items that best describe what you like in a workplace (the following items were circled): Part-time, near home, money, active, being with people.

Would your disability affect your job? Yes, sometimes. I can be overwhelmed.

Do you have a resume? No

Have you participated in an interview? Yes

Have you filled out a job application? Yes

Do you willingly follow directions? Yes

Do you follow through on directions given at home? Yes

Circle your job-related strengths (the following items were circled): Older people/ adults, listening carefully when others speak, finish work with reminders, get to work/ school on time, able to ask questions, treating others with respect, accepting help

Put an X on your job-related weaknesses (the following items were noted): Confidence

What volunteer work have you done in your community (the following items were noted): Childcare, work at church, Girl Scouts, Other: Volunteer at Toys for Tots

Which classes are most difficult for you? History and Government

Why are they hard? They are hard to understand and have a lot to memorize. They are also boring.

Which classes are the easiest for you? Journalism and Photography

Why are they easy? The teachers are helpful. I can be creative and come up with ideas and then follow my ideas.

Which accommodations help you (the following items were noted): More time to complete tasks, help with reading, use of calculator, help taking notes, Other: quiet place for testing, study guides

What could help you be more successful in school? Teachers who teach information in an organized way. Having all of my accommodations when I need them.

Do you have good study skills? Yes

How do you learn best? Lecture (hear it) and Visual (see it)

Circle the things that you need help with in reading, writing, and math (the following items were noted): Reading- homework instructions, recognizing words, understanding what you have read. Writing- essay answers on tests. Math- Developing a budget

Circle the places you go regularly in your community (the following items were noted): Work, Grocery shopping, Pool, Parks, Health club, Church, Other: Stores in town

Circle all the models of transportation you use to get around in the community (the following items were noted): Parents/ relatives car, car-pooling with friends, drive self, friends car, walk, bike.

Circle the appointments that you make yourself (the following items were noted): Hair, Doctor, Dentist, Eye doctor

Do you enjoy reading for fun? No

Circle the activities that you enjoy participating in (the following items were noted): Walking, Shopping, Concerts, Swimming, Bowling, Movies, Being with animals, Watching videos

Underline the chores you know how to do (the following items were noted): Cook, Garden, Rake leaves, Wash windows, Dust, Sweep, Make your bed, Grocery shop, Dishes, Wash and put away clothes, Clean bedroom, Vacuum, Shovel snow, Clean bathroom, Take out garbage

Circle the chores you do regularly (the following items were noted): Cook, Make your bed, Grocery shop, Dishes, Wash and put away clothes, Clean bedroom, Vacuum, Take out garbage


Summary of Student Performance

The purpose of this Summary of Performance is to facilitate the movement from school to post secondary activity. Under the provisions of IDEA (2004), school divisions shall provide graduating students with a summary of academic achievement and functional performance.

Student Name: Stella Dodson

Final School Attended: Now in High School

Person completing this form: Jacob Murphy

Date: 05/10/20xx

Provide a written summary of the following:

Current Academic Achievement: Stella is a student that has successfully completed and experienced mainstream and collaborative settings while working towards her Standard Diploma. Academically, Stella can function at a very high level but continues to have issues with her overall comprehension when it comes to inferences in reading and concepts when it comes to math skills. Stella plans on attending a four year university in the fall of 20xx. Stella plans to complete a degree in the area of recreational therapy or possibly Coast Guard or even certification to be a Dietician. Academically, testing is a weakness.

Current Functional Performance: Stella is a responsible and respectful young woman who strives to succeed every day. She has many friends on and off campus. Stella is able to handle stressful situations and advocates for herself when she realizes she needs additional help.

List Independent Living Skills: Stella is a self-sufficient young woman. Stella is able to perform most of the social living skills required to live on her own. Stella has held a summer time job in the past and already has her driver’s license.

Student’s Post-Secondary Goal(s): Stella plans on attending and completing a 4 year degree at LongWash College. She has discussed working in the hospital setting, or being a dietician. She has even discussed a career in the US Coast Guard as a possible option.

Recommendations on how to assist the student in meeting his/ her desired post-secondary goal(s): Stella has met with the college counselors to discuss accommodations she can receive. Stella has also sent the college her latest IEP. We have also discussed the use of the college writing lab and tutors to help her achieve her goals and bridge gaps with her academic needs.

Effective accommodations, modification, assistive technology: Extended time on lengthy assignments, graphic organizers for written assignments. Notices for quizzes and tests along with copies of teacher’s notes if they are not posted online. Audio tests should be supplied to compensate for issues in the reading and processing areas. Tests should also be done in an area that reduces distractions.

Student Input: Stella’s exact words to this question were “I am ready to start college and the next part of my life.”

Student Signature: Stella Dodson



Virginia Department of Education: Secondary Transition Services for Students with Disabilities: https://www.doe.virginia.gov/programs-services/special-education/secondary-transition-services-for-students-with-disabilities

A Transition Guide To Postsecondary Education and Employment for Students and Youth with Disabilities: https://sites.ed.gov/idea/files/postsecondary-transition-guide-may-2017.pdf

National Technical Assistance Center on Transition: The Collaborative: https://transitionta.org/

Parent Educational Advocacy Training Center (PEATC): Transition Planning and Assessment: https://peatc.org/transition-planning-and-assessment/

Secondary Transition Resources: https://www.doe.virginia.gov/programs-services/special-education/secondary-transition-services-for-students-with-disabilities/transition-organizations

Transition Assessment Self-Reflection Tool: https://transitiontn.org/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Assessment_Transition-Assessment-Self-Reflection-Tool_06-13-2018_FINAL.pdf

Transition Coalition: https://transitioncoalition.org/

IRIS Module on Person-Centered Transition Planning: https://iris.peabody.vanderbilt.edu/module/cou2/#content


A Case Study Guide to Special Education Copyright © by Jennifer Walker; Melissa C. Jenkins; and Danielle Smith. All Rights Reserved.