
12. End of Chapter Questions

Discussion Questions

  1. Are any procedural errors related to Child Find evident in Arwynn’s Case? If so, what are they and what is the potential substantive impact on Arwynn?
  2. What constitutes a referral for special education? At what point was a referral made in Arwynn’s case?
  3. Was Arwynn’s family provided with the information required to ensure meaningful participation in the referral meeting? Support your response with details from the case and legal protections related to parental participation.
  4. What procedural or substantive errors are evident related to the referral process?
  5. What data sources related to Arwynn’s educational needs are already available to the team at the time of the referral meeting? What other information should the team collect and what cognitive, linguistic, cultural, or academic considerations need to be addressed through the evaluation process?

Family and Guardian Communication

  1. Work with a peer to simulate the phone call between Mrs. Colatta and the principal in which Mrs. Colatta is invited to the referral meeting. Based on ethical practice and legal regulations, what information should have been shared by the principal? What questions might have been asked by both parties?
  2. Write a formal meeting invitation with all required information.


  1. What evidence of positive collaboration is evident in Arwynn’s case? Where does collaboration break down?
  2. Talk with peers. What supports could the team (including Arwynn’s family) put into place to support Arwynn while the evaluation for special education is in progress?

Instructor Notes

Assign the following readings in preparation for a jigsaw style discussion related to Arwynn’s case:

 Optional Resources

This document is a bit less “reader friendly” than the Family Guide but incorporates a lot of detailed guidance related to eligibility procedures in Virginia. You may find the following sections helpful:

    • Timeline with graphics – pgs. 10, 11, & 31
    • Reviewing existing data – pgs. 13 – 15
    • Parental Consent for Evaluation – p. 17
    • Non-discriminatory evaluation & Assessment Tools – pgs. 18-19
    • Evaluation Reports – pgs. 28-29
    • Eligibility Team – pg. 32
    • Eligibility Process – pgs. 33 – 34
    • Response to Intervention – pg. 35
    • Medical Diagnosis vs. Need for Special Education – pg. 36
    • Disproportionate Identification/Cultural & Linguistic Differences – pgs. 36 – 37
    •  Prior Written Notice – pg. 39
  • What Works Clearinghouse

This website provides evidence-based intervention data for individuals and classrooms. Schools using response to intervention to make eligibility decisions should ensure interventions meet high quality research standards.


A Case Study Guide to Special Education Copyright © by Jennifer Walker; Melissa C. Jenkins; and Danielle Smith. All Rights Reserved.