22 Appendix E — Bad and Good Source Examples

Joel Bignell

A Bad Research Source

Bad research sources are easy to recognize because it’s obvious that their creators want your
money. When you click or spend time on their pages, they get paid. Would a serious scientist
want to connect with you on Facebook or ask for your email to send you spam? Look at this
sample web article and see how many signs you can find that this is click bait, not serious

example of website on Canine Halitosis
Example of a bad source


A Good Research Source

The best research sources come from peer-reviewed, scholarly journals. They are all
information, no attractive graphics, sign-ups, or links to social media. They are published by
universities and they don’t make profit by being popular or getting clicks.

example of a good source for Canine Halitosis
Example of a good source.

Media Attributions

  • canine halitosis bad article
  • canine halitosis good article


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