
Chapter Eleven – Section 2: Reproductive Health Care

Practical Application: Book Activity

Practical Application

Setting the Scene

Frontline: The Abortion Divide

Watch this video by visiting https://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/documentary/the-abortion-divide/

Think About It

The Frontline video provides an overview of the fight of abortion. Drawing on the video and your experiences, answer the following questions:

  1. What is the criminalization of abortion?
  2. How does abortion access positively affect individuals who can give birth?
  3. What are some examples of recent legislation on reproductive rights?
  4. How do existing restrictive reproductive rights laws impact community health?
  5. How are reproductive rights connected to racial justice?
  6. What does it mean for the Supreme Court to overturn reproductive rights?

Practical Application: Additional Guidance

Exercise Title

Understanding the Abortion Debate


  • Understand the criminalization of abortion and its implications.
  • Analyze the impact of abortion access on individuals who can give birth.
  • Identify and discuss recent legislation affecting reproductive rights.
  • Evaluate how restrictive reproductive rights laws impact community health.
  • Explore the connection between reproductive rights and racial justice.
  • Comprehend the implications of the Supreme Court overturning reproductive rights.

Preparing for the Exercise

  • Review the Chapter Material:
    • Read Chapter Eleven: Reproductive Healthcare.
  • Gather Resources:
    • Collect relevant materials, including textbooks, articles, and online resources.
    • Explore real-world examples (videos, case studies) to ground students’ understanding of real world impact the the reproductive healthcare debate.

Exercise Components

  1. Introduction (10 minutes)
    1. Begin with a brief overview of the importance of understanding reproductive rights.
    2. Introduce the video “The Abortion Divide” and explain its relevance to the discussion.
  2.  Video Viewing (30 minutes)
    1. Have students watch the Frontline video in class. Ensure that each student has access to a computer or tablet.
  3.  Group Discussion (20 minutes)
    1. Divide the students into small groups.
    2. Assign each group one of the following discussion questions:
      1. What is the criminalization of abortion?
      2. How does abortion access positively affect individuals who can give birth?
      3. What are some examples of recent legislation on reproductive rights?
      4. How do existing restrictive reproductive rights laws impact community health?
      5. How are reproductive rights connected to racial justice?
      6. What does it mean for the Supreme Court to overturn reproductive rights?
    3.  Instruct each group to discuss their assigned question and prepare a brief summary of their findings.
  4.  Group Presentations (20 minutes)
    1. Have each group present their findings to the class.
    2. Encourage other students to ask questions and engage in discussions.
  5.  Class Reflection (10 minutes)
    1. Lead a class discussion on the key themes that emerged from the group presentations.
    2. Summarize the connections between the impact of legislation on individuals and communities, and the broader implications for society.
  6.  Learning Activities (15 minutes)
    1. Activity 1: Case Study Analysis
      1. Provide students with a case study related to reproductive rights. Ask them to analyze how the scenario illustrates the concepts discussed in the video and class discussion.
      2. Example Case Study: A woman living in a state with restrictive abortion laws seeks medical care. Discuss the potential challenges she might face.
    2.  Activity 2: Legislative Debate
      1. Organize a debate where students argue for or against a recent piece of reproductive rights legislation.
      2. Encourage students to use evidence from the video, recent news reports, and scholarly articles to support their arguments.
  7. Conclusion (5 minutes)
    1. Summarize the key points discussed during the activity.
    2. Reinforce the importance of understanding reproductive rights and their broader implications for individuals and communities.

Evaluation and Assessment

  • Group Presentation: Assess student’s participation in group discussions and presentations.
  • NCLEX Questions: Review responses to NCLEX-style questions to assess understanding of key concepts.

Integration into Curriculum

  • Alignment with Course Objectives: Integrate evidence-based strategies to address reproductive healthcare into nursing courses.
  • Sequencing: Determine the appropriate timing and sequencing of the exercise within the course curriculum to complement other content and activities.
  • Integration of Theory and Practice: Include case studies that utilized evidence-based strategies to address opioid use disorder.

Resources and Support

  • Learning Resources:
    • Provide students with access to relevant literature, articles, and resources on recent legislation, community health impacts, and racial justice related to reproductive rights.
    • Suggest further viewing or reading on landmark Supreme Court cases affecting reproductive rights.
  •  Faculty Support: Offer guidance, feedback, and support to students as they engage in the exercise, addressing any questions or concerns they may have about the scenario or related topics.


This guide ensures that students not only engage with the video content but also critically analyze and apply their understanding through discussion, debate, and case studies.

Additional Activities

Interactive Module

Create an interactive escape room using Google Forms that challenges students to solve puzzles related to the chapter topic. These NCLEX-style questions can be a starting point.

  1. Which of the following is a potential consequence of the criminalization of abortion?
    1. Increased access to safe and legal abortion services
    2.  Improved community health outcomes
    3. Higher rates of unsafe, illegal abortions
    4. Decreased health care costs
  1. How might restrictive reproductive rights laws disproportionately affect marginalized communities?
    1. They provide equal access to reproductive health services for all groups.
    2. They create barriers that disproportionately impact individuals from lower socioeconomic backgrounds.
    3. They have no impact on different communities.
    4. They reduce the need for community health interventions.

Competency Assessment

  1. Knowledge of Reproductive Health: Evaluate the students’ understanding of preventive care.
  2. Clinical Skills: Assess the students’ ability to provide contraceptive counseling.
  3. Ethical and Legal Considerations: Measure the students’ understanding of legal regulations, confidentiality, informed consent, and ethical challenges in reproductive health.
  4. Patient Communication and Education: Assess the students’ ability to communicate effectively with patients about reproductive health options, sensitive topics, and culturally competent care.

Clinical Activities/Opportunities

  1. Family Planning Clinics: Students can learn how to support diverse patient populations in making informed choices about contraception, pregnancy termination, and reproductive health.
  2. Sexual Health Clinics: Students can expand their understanding of sexual and reproductive health across diverse populations, including marginalized groups.
  3. Primary Care: Students can integrate reproductive health into holistic primary care, emphasizing prevention and education.


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Community and Public Health Nursing Instructor Guide Copyright © by Andrea Reed; Beth Tremblay; and Gretchen Wiersma is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.