H5P activities list

This book includes 16 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1Introduction Pre-Assessment: What do you already know?Multiple Choice
2Introduction Pre-Assessment Q2Multiple Choice
3Introduction Pre-Assessment Q3Multiple Choice
4Introduction Pre-Assessment Q4Multiple Choice
5Introduction Pre-Assessment Q5Multiple Choice
6Chapter 2 EnrollmentsDialog Cards
7Demographics from Voices for Virginia's KidsIframe Embedder
8AAP Family AdvisorsIframe Embedder
9Why Pronouncing Names Correctly is More Than Common CourtesyIframe Embedder
10What questions work for you in building high quality connections?Iframe Embedder
13Difficult Conversation: Attendance and Religious ObservanceBranching Scenario
14A Difficult Conversation About A Child's GradeBranching Scenario
15Advocacy: Attendance and IllnessBranching Scenario
16PTA Center for Family EngagementIframe Embedder
17Find Opportunities to Strengthen the Communication Example 1Find Multiple Hotspots
18Written Communication and AccessibilityFind Multiple Hotspots