4 Frameworks for Family Partnership and Engagement

The Dual Capacity-Building Framework

The Dual Capacity-Building Framework for Family-School Partnerships was developed to support contextually-responsive strategies, policies, and programs for family engagement. Dr. Karen Mapp, who authored the first and second iterations of this framework, describes it here.

The Four I’s of Family Engagement (National PTA)

The National PTA was established over 125 years ago and continues to serve as the largest organization representing parents and families in the United States. We invite you to explore their Center for Family Engagement and their framework for Transformative Family Engagement.

Family Advisors in Pediatric Care

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends a public health approach to social health and early childhood wellness. Learn more about the role of family advisors and family engagement in the video below.


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Family Partnerships: Building Trusting, Responsive, and Child-Focused Collaborations Copyright © 2024 by Adria Hoffman, Ph.D.; Christine Spence, Ph.D.; Maryam Sharifian, Ph.D.; Judy Paulick, Ph.D.; and Rachel W. Bowman, M.A. is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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