
1 What is an Open Textbook?

What is an Open Textbook?

This material is based on original work by Christina Hendricks, and produced with support from the Rebus Community https://press.rebus.community/intro-to-phil-ethics

    An open textbook is like a commercial textbook, except: (1) it is publicly available online free of charge (and at low-cost in print), and (2) it has an open license that allows others to reuse it, download and revise it, and redistribute it. This book has a Creative Commons Attribution license, which allows reuse, revision, and redistribution so long as the original creator is attributed.

In addition to saving students money, an open textbook can be revised to be better contextualized to one’s own teaching. In a recent study of undergraduate students in an introductory level physics course, students reported that the thing they most appreciated about the open textbook used in that course was that it was customized to fit the course, followed very closely by the fact that it was free of cost (Hendricks, Reinsberg, and Rieger 2017). For example, in an open textbook one may add in examples more relevant to one’s own context or the topic of a course, or embedded slides, videos, or other resources. Note from the licensing information for this book that one must clarify in such cases that the book is an adaptation. A number of commercial publishers offer relatively inexpensive digital textbooks (whether on their own or available through an access code that students must pay to purchase), but these may have certain limitations and other issues:

Access for students is often limited to a short period of time;

Students cannot buy used copies from others, nor sell their own copies to others, to save money;

Depending on the platform, there may be limits to how students can interact with and take notes on the books (and they may not be able to export their notes outside the book, so lose access to those as well when they lose access to the book).

None of these is the case with open textbooks. Students can download an open textbook and keep it for as long as they wish. They can interact with it in multiple formats: on the web; as editable word processing formats; offline as PDF, EPUB; as a physical print book, and more.

A note to course instructors from Deborah Holt:

The topic “What is an open textbook” offers a unique opportunity to use the subject of open educational resources (OER) as an introductory disucssion question.  A suggested disucssion question is: “What is an ethical problem one could face with the use of an open textbook and/or open educational resources (OER)?


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

What is an Open Textbook? Copyright © 2020 by This material is based on original work by Christina Hendricks, and produced with support from the Rebus Community https://press.rebus.community/intro-to-phil-ethics is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.