
Publishing Process Schedule

This chapter provides an overview of the suggested order of the steps in the publishing process. Additional information on each step can be found in Publishing steps: creator and VIVA responsibilities.

Step Number Steps in this step
1 Writing your OER. You should write your OER before anything else! We recommend finishing a full draft before proceeding to testing or peer review, although some groups do opt to test, review, or even copyedit chapter by chapter

Copyright and Permissions. If you are reusing content, please keep track of the content you’re using while you’re writing. It will make it much easier in the long term. VIVA provides a content tracker for both images and content to make this process easier. This guide also provides an overview of copyright and permissions for both openly licensed and traditional copyright works.

Graphic Design. If you’re unable to find existing open multimedia that works for your project, you may have to create this content, whether on your own or with assistance from VIVA. Creation of this content can occur in any step before layout; the typesetter must have all finalized graphics, illustrations, etc, before layout can before.

2 Beta testing in class. It can be helpful to test your project in class before publication. This way, you get feedback from students before creating a final project. We recommend authoring your project and then using it in class for at least one semester and integrate comments (step 3) before proceeding to step 4: copyediting.

Peer review. Getting feedback from other specialists or instructors in your field can help ensure that you are presenting clear, complete, and up-to date information. Do not ask them to review grammar, etc, as this review will occur via copyediting. Peer review can occur alongside beta-testing or before or after. Comments should be integrated (step 3) before proceeding to step 4: copyediting.

Graphic Design. If you’re unable to find existing open multimedia that works for your project, you may have to create this content, whether on your own or with assistance from VIVA. Creation of this content can occur in any step before layout; the typesetter must have all finalized graphics, illustrations, etc, before layout can before.

Copyright and Permissions. Continue finalizing in-text attributions and requesting and obtaining permissions.

3 Writing your OERMake edits to your OER in response to feedback from peer review and beta testing.

Copyright and Permissions. Finalizing in-text attributions and requesting and obtaining permissions must be completed during this step.

4 Copyright and Permissions. Submit your completed content reuse tracker with your manuscript for copyediting. It should be complete before submission to VIVA for copyediting.

CopyeditingVIVA will send your manuscript to a copyeditor who will review for grammatical correctness, alignment with selected style, and consistency across the book. We recommend undertaking copyediting as a full manuscript, although exceptions may be made for projects wishing to send out for review piecemeal. You will have a chance to review and accept or reject suggested copyedits before proceeding to the next step.

5 LayoutVIVA will work with a professional typesetter to create a PDF manuscript using a standard VIVA layout. The layout will go through several rounds of review before it is finalized.

Cover design. VIVA will also work with a designer to create a cover for the work using a standard VIVA template. Input is welcome from authors on colors and/or images for inclusion.

6 Proofreading. During the last review of typeset pages, the manuscript will be sent to a proofreader to double check that no errors were introduced during the typesetting process. They are great at catching all the little details, like missed hyperlinks or miscolored text.

Accessibility ReviewThe manuscript will also undergo accessibility review and remediation to ensure the final outputs meet accessibility standards.

7 Publication. After final approval from the author and VIVA, a final print PDF, digital PDF, and ePub will be generated. VIVA will create a homepage to post and share your final work. VIVA will share the publication, and encourages authors to do so as well.

Print. A print-on-demand version of the book will be generated for those who prefer a print copy. It will be available via a VIVA ecommerce site.


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Publishing with VIVA Copyright © by Jessica Kirschner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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