Page numbers refer to pages in the PDF version.
Page numbers followed by “f” denote figures and “t” denote tables.
- Ableism, 40
- Abortion, 56–57, 186–187
- ACEs. See Adverse childhood experiences
- Action, means, and purposes model, 118, 119f
- “Acts of God,” 141
- Acute stress disorder, 144
- Adolescents. See also Children
- Assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. See ADPIE, 3
- Adverse childhood experiences, 116–118, 118t, 143
- Advocacy
- Affordable Care Act, 29, 171
- Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, 78
- Agent(s)
- Agoraphobia, 160
- AHRQ. See Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality
- Air pollution, 55
- Air quality, 55
- American Association of Colleges of Nursing Essentials, 45, 209–211
- American Indian/Alaska Native populations, 27
- American Nurses Association
- American Public Health Association, 2
- American Rescue Plan Act, 51
- AMP model. See Action, means, and purposes model
- Anxiety/anxiety disorders
- ARPA. See American Rescue Plan Act
- ASD. See Acute stress disorder
- Asian populations, health disparities in, 42
- Assessment
- Assessment, diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation. See ADPIE
- Asylees, 44
- Bidirectional relationships, 142–143
- Bioterrorism
- Bipolar disorders, 165–166
- Birth control, 57
- Bisphenol A, 197
- Black populations
- Breathing techniques, 148
- Bullying, 32, 53, 58–59, 59f
- Buprenorphine, 181
- Burkholderia mallei, 136
- Carbon dioxide, atmospheric, 195–196
- Case surveillance, 73
- Causality, 79
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
- bioterrorism responses, 134–135
- description of, 3–4
- Environmental Public Health Tracking Network, 198
- Essentials for Childhood, 116
- Healthy Communities Program, 96
- population health as defined by, 77
- prevention strategies and, 10–11
- 10 Essential Public Health Services, 4–5
- Youth Risk Behavior Survey, 112
- CHANGE framework, 96
- Child abuse, 115
- Child maltreatment, 115
- Child neglect, 115
- Childcare, 35
- Children. See also Adolescents
- adverse childhood experiences in, 116–118, 118t, 143
- anxiety in, 53
- depression in, 53
- early childhood education, 35
- food insecurity for, 51
- gender-affirming care for, 191
- Healthy People 2030 goals for education access, 32
- human trafficking of, 120
- non-binary, 188
- poverty effects on, 53, 115
- reading to, 58
- school resources for, 53
- violence against, 115–118
- as vulnerable population, 61f
- Children’s Health Insurance Program, 30
- Cisgender, 189
- Civil Rights Act of 1964, 26
- Clean Air Act, 54
- Climate
- Climate change, 55–56, 195, 199
- Climate justice
- Clinical preventive services, 7
- Cluster, 71
- Code of Ethics, American Nurses Association (ANA), 11–13, 45, 196
- Cognitive symptoms, of schizophrenia, 167
- Communication
- Communities
- characteristics of, 2
- communication in, 3
- disaster preparedness in, 130–131
- health equity promotion by, 28f
- Healthy People 2030 goals, 74
- in intimate partner violence prevention, 113–114
- nurse collaboration with, 2
- political drivers in, 28
- sectors of, 77
- in social-ecological model, 14–15
- socioeconomic drivers in, 28
- trauma that affects, 142
- walking surveys of, 100
- well-being of, 84
- windshield surveys of, 100
- Communities in Action: Pathways to Health Equity Report, 28
- Communities of color, 61f
- Community data, 87t
- Community health
- Community health assessment
- approaches to, 98–105
- benefits of, 105, 135
- CHANGE framework for, 96
- comprehensive assessment, 98
- data analysis as part of, 105
- definition of, 95, 99, 135
- frameworks for, 96–97, 97f–98f
- mobilizing for action through planning and partnerships model, 97, 98f
- nurse’s role in, 105–106
- nursing process and, 96, 96f
- overview of, 95–96
- population-focused assessment, 98
- principles of, 99
- problem or health issue assessments, 98
- purpose of, 99
- rapid needs assessment, 98
- setting-specific health assessment, 98
- social-ecological model, 97, 97f
- tools used in, 99–105
- walking surveys, 99–105
- windshield surveys, 99–105
- Community health improvement plan, 135
- Community health needs assessment. See Community health assessment
- Community health nurses
- American Nurses Association Code of Ethics guidance for, 11–13
- childhood violence prevention strategies for, 116
- climate justice role of, 200
- gender-affirming care role of, 191–192
- health policy application by, 25
- mental health treatment settings for, 172
- reproductive health care role of, 186
- roles and responsibilities of, 1–3, 90–91
- trauma-informed care role of, 151
- vulnerable populations and, 90
- work settings for, 90
- Community health nursing, 1–2. See also specific topics
- Community mental health nurses, 172
- Comprehensive assessment, 98
- Confidentiality, 12
- Cultural-based trauma, 142–143
- Cutoff score, 145
- Cyclothymia, 166
- DACA. See Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals
- Data
- Decision making, in health policy, 29
- Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals, 44
- DEI. See Diversity, equity, and inclusion
- Delegation, 12
- Delusions, 166
- Department of Health and Human Services
- Deportation, 44
- Depression
- Depressive disorder due to another medical condition, 164
- Desensitization processes, 150
- Determinants of health
- geospatial, 54
- social. See Social determinants of health
- DHHS. See Department of Health and Human Services
- Dignity, 12
- Disabilities, people with
- Disaster
- Disaster management
- Disaster planning, 135
- Disaster preparedness, 129–131
- Discrimination
- Disease
- Disease burden
- Disease management, 8
- Disparities
- definition of, 39
- health. See Health disparities
- Distraction, 148
- Diversity, equity, and inclusion, 41
- Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, 186
- Domestic violence. See also Violence
- Drug overdoses, 177
- DSM-5
- Dysthymia, 164
- Early childhood education, 35
- Economic insecurity, 51
- Economic security, 51
- Economic stability
- Education access and quality
- Emergency
- Emergency preparedness
- bioterrorism. See Bioterrorism
- disaster management cycle, 129–131
- Emotion dial, 148
- Empowerment, 9
- End-stage renal disease, in American Indian/Alaska Native populations, 30
- Environment, 82t, 197. See also Climate; Neighborhoods and built environment
- Environmental conditions, 54
- Environmental justice, 198
- Environmental pollutants, 196–197, 197f
- Environmental Protection Agency, 200
- Environmental Public Health Tracking Network, 198
- Epidemic, 71
- Epidemiologic triangle, 73, 73f
- Epidemiology
- Equal Opportunity Credit Act of 1974, 43
- Ethical dilemmas, 11
- Ethical values, 11
- Ethics
- American Nurses Association Code of Ethics, 11–13, 196
- definition of, 11
- health belief model, 15f, 15–16
- population-focused nursing, 13
- social justice, 11, 13
- social-ecological model, 14f, 14–15
- sufficiency of well-being, 13
- theory of planned behavior, 16
- theory of reasoned action, 16
- transtheoretical model, 16
- Ethics boards, 11
- Ethnic minorities
- Evidence-based screening programs, 8
- Families, reading in, 58
- Family planning, 56–58
- Family-focused prevention programs, 14
- Federal Emergency Management Agency’s Incident Command System, 131
- Federal poverty level, 51
- Fentanyl, 178
- “Fight-or-flight” response, 161
- Firearm injuries, 120–122
- First International Conference of Health Promotion, 10
- Flashbacks, 162
- Fluoride, 33
- Food assistance programs, 52
- Food insecurity, 51–52
- Fossil fuels, 195
- Functional disabilities, 60, 60f
- Future of Nursing Report, 45
- GAD. See Generalized anxiety disorder
- Gender affirmation, 188
- Gender dysphoria, 189
- Gender identity, 188–189, 192
- Gender minority, 189
- Gender-affirming care
- Gender-diverse or expansive, 189
- Generalized anxiety disorder, 158–159
- Geospatial determinants of health, 54
- Geospatial Research, Analysis, and Services Program, 54
- Glanders, 136–137
- Global Change Research Program, 55
- Global greenhouse gases, 195–196
- Global warming, 197
- Governance, 85t
- GRASP. See Geospatial Research, Analysis, and Services Program
- Greenhouse gases, 195–196
- Grounding techniques, 148
- Gun violence, 120–122
- Hallucinations, 166
- Harm reduction
- Hazard, 130
- Hazardous waste, 56
- Health. See also Community health; Population health; Public health
- air quality effects on, 55
- climate and, 195–202
- community effects on, 34
- health policies that affect, 26, 29–34
- poverty effects on, 52–53
- primary prevention strategies for improving, 7
- reading and, 58
- social context of, 34
- social determinants of. See Social determinants of health
- water quality effects on, 54–55
- Health belief model, 15f, 15–16
- Health care
- Health care access
- Health care industry emissions, 196
- Health care inequality, 40
- Health care system, 84
- Health departments
- Health disparities
- in Black populations, 30
- changes in, 41
- definition of, 40
- environmental conditions as cause of, 54
- ethnic minorities affected by, 42
- in gender-diverse adolescents, 191
- immigrants affected by, 44
- impact of, 42–44
- LGBTQIA+ population affected by, 43
- in mental health care services, 171
- minority populations affected by, 27, 30
- National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, 41, 41f
- people with disabilities affected by, 43
- prevention strategies’ effect on, 10
- racial minorities/populations affected by, 30, 42
- research framework for, 41
- social determinants and, 50
- social disadvantage created by, 30–31
- for vulnerable populations, 60
- women affected by, 43
- Health equity
- Health Impact in 5 Years initiative, 89
- Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 30
- Health outcomes
- Health policy
- advocacy for, 26
- community health affected by, 29–34
- community health nurse’s use of, 25
- decision making and, 29
- development of, 28–29
- federal-level, 26
- function of, 26
- government involvement in, 26
- health care decisions affected by, 26
- legislation, 28
- nursing and, 27–28
- state-level, 26
- understanding of, 25–28
- well-being affected by, 34
- Health professionals, nurse’s collaboration with, 13
- Health promotion
- Health status, 10
- Healthy eating, 32
- Healthy food, 51–52
- Healthy lifestyle, 7
- Healthy People 2020, 190
- Healthy People 2030
- Healthy relationships, 112t–113t
- Hearing screenings, 8
- Hemoglobin A1C screenings, 8
- Heroin, 177
- HI-5. See Health Impact in 5 Years initiative
- High school graduation rates, 52–53
- Hispanic populations
- HIVin Black populations, 30
- in transgender people, 190–191
HOLC. See Home Owners Loan Corporation
Holistic thinking, 198
Home Owners Loan Corporation, 199
Homelessness, 52
Housing and homes
Human subject protections, in research, 12
Human trafficking, 118–120
Human-caused traumas, 141t, 141–142
Hypomanic episodes, 165
- ICS. See Incident Command System
- Illness
- mental. See Mental illness disorders
- stages of, 6, 6f
- Immigrants
- Immigration and Nationality Act, 44
- Incidence, 72
- Incidence rate, 72
- Incident Command System, 131
- Inequities
- Informed consent, 12
- Institute for Healthcare Improvement (IHI), 84, 88
- Intimate partner violence. See also Violence
- IPV. See Intimate partner violence
- LGBTQIA+ population. See also Transgender people
- Lifestyle modifications, 7
- Local health departments, 5
- Low-income communities, 61f
- Low literacy skills, 58
- Major depressive disorder, 164
- Manic episodes, 165
- MAPP model. See Mobilizing for action through planning and partnerships model
- MAT. See Medication-assisted treatment
- Medicaid, 30, 196
- Medicare, 196
- Medication-assisted treatment, 180–182
- Mental health
- Mental health services, 171
- Mental illness disorders
- agoraphobia, 160
- anxiety disorders, 53, 158–160
- bipolar disorders, 165–166
- definition of, 157
- depression, 53, 163–164
- generalized anxiety disorder, 158–159
- panic attacks, 159
- panic disorder, 159
- phobia-related disorders, 160–161
- posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD), 109, 115, 143–144, 161f, 161–163
- schizophrenia, 166–167, 180
- self-harm, 168
- separation anxiety disorder, 160–161
- social anxiety disorder, 159–160
- statistics regarding, 157, 158f
- stigma of, 169–170
- substance abuse and, 180
- suicide, 168
- symptoms of, 157
- trauma and, 142, 146
- treatment settings for, 172
- Methadone, 181
- Methane, 196
- Migrants, 44
- Minority populations. See also specific populations
- ethnic. See Ethnic minorities
- health disparities and, 27
- racial. See Racial minorities
- Mixed structure, 4
- Mobilizing for action through planning and partnerships model, 97, 98f
- Morbidity, 72
- Mortality, 72
- Movement disorder, 167
- NAADAC, 183
- Naloxone, 181
- NASA. See National Aeronautics and Space Administration
- National Academy of Science, 190
- National Aeronautics and Space Administration, 195
- National Center for Transgender Equality, 190
- National Coalition Against Domestic Violence, 110
- National Healthcare Quality and Disparities Report, 30
- National Institutes of Health
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 195
- National School Lunch Program, 52
- National Survey on LGBTQIA+ Youth Mental Health, 191
- National Syndromic Surveillance Program, 132–133
- NCADV. See National Coalition Against Domestic Violence
- Negative symptoms, of schizophrenia, 167
- Neighborhoods and built environment
- NIH. See National Institutes of Health
- NOAA. See National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
- Noise pollution, 56
- Non-binary, 188–189
- Notifiable conditions, 72–73
- NSLP. See National School Lunch Program
- Nurse(s)
- advocacy role of, 9, 12, 26, 34–35, 184
- American Nurses Association Code of Ethics guidance for, 11–13
- climate justice role of, 200
- community health. See Community health nurses
- community health assessment role of, 105–106
- disaster management role of, 135–136
- epidemiology and, 69, 74–75
- facilitator role of, 2
- gender-affirming care role of, 191–192
- harm reduction role of, 182–184
- health equity promoted by, 45
- health professional collaborations by, 13
- healthy lifestyle promotion by, 7
- mental health role of, 170–172
- in population health, 90–91
- postdisaster role of, 135–136
- primary commitment of, 12
- public health. See Public health nurses
- public health affected by, 2
- reproductive health care role of, 186–187
- roles and responsibilities of, 1–2
- self-care by, 12
- social determinants of health and, 62
- trauma-informed care role of, 151
- violence prevention by, 122
- vulnerable populations and, 62
- Nursing
- Nursing process, 96, 96f
- Nutrition, 32
- Office of Disease Prevention and Health Promotion, 17
- Older adults, as vulnerable population, 61f
- Opiates, 177
- Opioid(s)
- Opioid epidemic, 178f, 180
- Opioid overdosesdeaths caused by, 177, 179f–180f
- naltrexone for, 181–182
- symptoms of, 183f
Opioid use disorder (OUD)
- buprenorphine for, 181
- harm reduction strategies for, 182–184
- medication-assisted treatment for, 180–182, 182f
- methadone for, 181
- naloxone for, 181
- naltrexone for, 181–182
- overdose deaths caused by, 177, 179f–180f
- populations affected by, 179–180
- statistics regarding, 177, 178f
- treatment for, 180
Outbreak, 71
Overcrowding, 52
Overdoses, drug, 177. See also Opioid overdoses
- Pain management, 9
- Pandemic, 71
- Panic attacks, 159
- Panic disorder, 159
- People with disabilities. See Disabilities, people with
- Perceived behavioral control, 16
- Perpetrator of violence, 14–15
- Persistent depressive disorder, 164
- Phobia-related disorders, 160–161
- Pollutants/pollution, 54–56, 196–197, 197f
- Population access, 80t
- Population cost, 82t
- Population efficiency, 82, 83t
- Population experience, 81t
- Population health. See also specific population
- Population health knowledge, 82t
- Population health measures
- Population health state, 81t
- Population management, 81t
- Population outcome, 80t
- Population process, 80t
- Population structure, 81t
- Population use of services, 82t
- Population-focused assessment, 98
- Population-focused nursing, ethical theory of, 13
- Posttraumatic stress disorder, 109, 115, 143–144, 161f, 161–163
- Poverty, 32, 51–53, 115
- Pregnancy, 43, 56–58, 196
- Premenstrual dysphoric disorder, 164
- Prevalence, 72
- Prevalence rate, 72
- Prevention strategies
- Primary data, 105
- Primary prevention, 6f, 7
- Primordial prevention, 6–7
- Privacy, 12
- Problem or health issue assessments, 98
- Problem-solving, barriers to, 2
- Professional organizations, 13
- Pronouns, 192, 192t
- Psychoeducation, 149
- Psychotic symptoms, of schizophrenia, 166–167
- PTSD. See Posttraumatic stress disorder
- Public health
- Public health approach, 71f
- Public Health Impact Pyramid, 90f
- Public health nurses
- Public health nursing
- Purdue Pharma, 178
- Quadruple Aim, 78, 78f
- Qualitative data, 105
- Quality of care, for racial and ethnic minorities, 42, 42t
- Quantitative data, 105
- Quaternary prevention, 9
- Racial minorities
- Racism, 42
- Rapid needs assessment, 98
- Rate, 71
- Reading, 58
- Redlining, 42, 199
- Refugees, 44
- Regan, Michael, 200
- Rehabilitation interventions, 8
- Relationships
- Repeated trauma, 142
- Reproductive health care, 185–187
- Reproductive justice, 185
- Reproductive rights, 185
- Research
- Respect, 12
- Retraumatization, 150–151
- Roe v. Wade, 56, 186
- Roosevelt, Franklin Delano, 1
- Safe Drinking Water Act, 54–55, 197
- Schizophrenia, 166–167, 180
- Schools
- Screenings
- Secondary data, 105
- Secondary prevention, 8
- Segregation, 42
- Self-care, 12
- Self-efficacy, 16
- Self-harm, 168
- Self-talk, 148
- Separation anxiety disorder, 160–161
- Setting-specific health assessment, 98
- Sex assignment at birth, 188
- Sexual orientation, 188
- Shared structure, 4
- Single-event trauma, 142
- SisterSong Reproductive Justice Collective, 185
- Slash-and-burn agriculture, 195–196
- SNAP. See Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program
- Social anxiety disorder, 159–160
- Social determinants of health
- ADPIE and, 3
- air quality as, 55
- categories of, 17, 17f, 50, 50f
- climate change as, 55–56
- definition of, 3, 31, 50, 82t
- denial of opportunities for, 31
- economic stability, 51–53
- environmental conditions as, 54
- examples of, 51
- family planning as, 56–58
- food insecurity, 51–52
- health behaviors affected by, 50–51
- health care access and quality as, 56–58
- health care affected by, 50
- health disparities caused by, 50
- Healthy People 2030 focus on, 17, 32–34
- housing, 52
- neighborhood and built environment, 53–54
- nurse’s role in, 62
- nursing advocacy and, 35, 35f
- overview of, 49–51
- primordial prevention for modifying, 6
- social and community context as, 58–59
- water quality as, 54–55
- Social disadvantage, 30–31
- Social discrimination, 32, 53
- Social justice
- Social-ecological model, 14f, 14–15, 97, 97f
- Stakeholders
- Stigma
- Structural racism, 42
- Substance abuse. See also Opioid use disorder
- Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 140
- Substance use disorder
- definition of, 177
- harm reduction strategies for, 182–184
- mental illness and, 180
- opioid use disorder as. See Opioid use disorder
- Substance/medication-induced depressive disorder, 164
- SUD. See Substance use disorder
- Sufficiency of well-being, 13
- Suicide, 168
- Suicide attempts, 168, 190
- Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, 44, 52
- Surveillance, 73, 132–133
- Syndromic surveillance, 132–133
- TEACH Abortion Training Curriculum, 185
- Teen dating violence, 112
- 10 Essential Public Health Services, 4–5
- 10-year plan. See Healthy People 2030
- Terrorism. See Bioterrorism
- Tertiary prevention, 8–9
- Theory of planned behavior, 16
- Theory of reasoned action, 16
- Thought disorder, 167
- Transgender people. See also LGBTQIA+ population
- barriers to health care access for, 190–191
- definition of, 188–189
- description of, 114
- discrimination against, 189–190
- gender affirmation by, 188
- gender-affirming care for, 188–194
- health concerns of, 190f
- health insurance coverage for, 191
- health needs of, 189–191
- HIV in, 190–191
- lack of trained health care providers for, 190–191
- men, 188
- mental health in, 190
- physical appearance changes by, 188
- practice application for, 193
- prevalence of, 189
- pronouns for, 192, 192t
- stigma on, 189–190
- suicide attempts by, 190
- survival sex work by, 190
- women, 188
- women of color, 188, 190
- young people, 191
- Transtheoretical model of behavior change, 16
- Trauma
- balance in dealing with, 150
- barriers to evaluating, 147–148
- behavioral reactions to, 145t
- characteristics of, 142–143
- cognitive reactions to, 144t
- community-based, 142
- cultural meanings of, 143
- cultures affected by, 142
- definition of, 140
- desensitization processes for, 150
- emotional reactions to, 144t
- existential reactions to, 145t
- grounding techniques for, 148
- human-caused, 141t, 141–142
- impact of, 143–144
- individual factors that affect, 143
- management of, 148–150
- mental illness and, 142, 146
- natural causes of, 141, 141t
- normalizing of symptoms of, 149
- objective characteristics of, 142–143
- physical reactions to, 144t
- posttraumatic stress disorder caused by, 109, 115, 143–144
- psychoeducation for, 149
- reactions to, 144, 144t–145t
- repeated, 142
- retraumatization, 150–151
- screening for, 145–146
- single-event, 142
- sources of, 140–142
- stress reaction caused by, 150
- subjective characteristics of, 143
- substance abuse and, 142
- triggers associated with, 149–150
- types of, 140–142
- Trauma and Justice Strategic Initiative, 140
- Trauma-informed care
- Traumatic events, 140
- Traumatic experience, 140, 143
- Trevor Project, 191
- Triple Aim, 78
- Tropospheric ozone, 196
- Underserved, vulnerable, and special needs populations. See also Vulnerable populations
- Unhealthy relationships, 112t–113t
- Unintended pregnancy, 56–57
- United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, 44
- U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. See Department of Health and Human Services (HHS)
- U.S. Transgender Survey, 114
- Vera Institute of Justice screening tool, for human trafficking, 119
- Victim of violence, 14–15
- Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000, 118, 119f
- Violence
- adverse childhood experiences, 116–117
- behavioral impacts of, 115
- childhood, 115–118
- domestic, 110–114
- firearm injuries, 120–122
- gun, 120–122
- Healthy People 2030 objectives for reducing, 110
- human trafficking, 118–120
- intimate partner. See Intimate partner violence
- LGBTQIA+, 114–115
- nurse’s role in preventing, 122
- overview of, 109–110
- public health approach to, 122, 122f
- in school, 115
- social justice affected by, 110
- social-ecological model of, 14–15
- teen dating, 112
- Virginia
- Vulnerable populations
- chronic illnesses, 61
- community health nurse’s focus on, 90
- definition of, 49, 61
- Department of Health and Human Services, (HHS) characterization of, 26–27
- examples of, 2, 27, 60, 61f
- focusing on, 61
- functional disabilities in, 60, 60f
- health disparities for, 60
- health domains of, 60–61
- health needs for, 61
- medically, 61
- nurse’s role in, 62
- underserved populations versus, 27
- Walking surveys, 99–105
- Water quality, 54–55
- Water vapor, 196
- Waterborne illnesses, 54
- Well-being
- WIC program. See Women, Infants, and Children program
- Windshield surveys, 99–105
- Women
- Women, Infants, and Children program, (WIC) 52
- World Health Organization
- Zika virus, 73