

This book would not have been possible without the generous support of the Virtual Library of Virginia (VIVA).

Many, many thanks to

  • Brittany Garvin-Hudson for initial grant brainstorming
  • Our deeply talented and accommodating guest writers, Vicki Hobson, Christy Irish, Sandra Kelish, and Alexis Rutt
  • Kyle Schultz for his thoughtful review of several sections, especially those related to mathematics instruction
  • Our fearless writing retreat organizers, Melissa Wells and Christy Irish, for providing us the time needed to refine the text
  • Our students for sharing their work and experiences, some of which appear in this text as exemplars from our teaching practice
  • The mentor teachers and supervisors who provide rich environments for learning for our preservice teachers in practicum and internship experiences
  • Melissa Wells for her beautiful graphic design and for contributing to various sections on equity and culturally responsive pedagogy.

In addition to the above folks who were instrumental in the publication of this OER text, we would like to offer the following additional acknowledgements:

Many, many thanks to my colleagues at UMW for their help and support, to my former teachers, especially Susan Mintz, Mr. Rome, and Dr. Hudgens, and to my family–Alex, Max, and Lena.

Many thanks to my husband, Brendan Kelly, for his unwavering support. I’d also like to acknowledge Dr. Sandra White, an education professor at Mary Washington (College) in the mid-1990’s, as her love for teaching and her passion about building effective educators led me to the decision to pursue my doctorate in education, as I hoped to make the same positive impact on college students that she had on me and my classmates. Sandi, you may no longer be with us, but your legacy certainly withstands.