
Connections and Summary

In this chapter you have read examples of the key theme at work. Dr. Goldstein’s lab used scientific methods to determine what kinds of play can help children to develop crucial emotion regulation skills. This research was published and so that others can continue to study this phenomenon, and so that it teachers and parents can develop activities for children to support their development (applying psychological principles can change our lives). The Industrial-organizational psychologists Dr. Dalal and Dr. Kaplan studied strategies for emotion regulation in the workplace, and created an infographic to share their results with the general public. When people practice these strategies, it enhances the overall working environment  (applying psychological principles can change our organizations). The American Psychological Association has published guidelines to encourage the use of language that will reduce the emotional distress that can be caused by harmful words. Additionally, our communities can be enhanced through the recognition of disability as a valued social identity (applying psychological principles can change our communities in positive ways).



  • Can you take another key theme and look at these topics through that lens?
  • In what other ways could the knowledge gained through Dr. Goldstein’s theater games research improve the lives of children?
  • What conditions would be necessary for a community to recognize disability as a valued social identity? What about other identities that are historically marginalized?


  • What are some other topics you would like to see discussed through the lens of this key theme?
  • Is there an area you would like to know more about regarding how psychological principles can change our lives, communities, and organizations in positive ways?
  • How have you seen psychology in action in your world?

Key Takeaways

  • Emotion regulation can be learned and practiced just like other skills.
  • If you are unsure about how to refer to someone, the best practice is to ask that person. The second best practice is to use guidelines such as those provided by the APA.
  • The applications of psychological principles are far-reaching, and can enhance our lives, improve our organizations, and make our communities better places to live for everyone.



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Psychological Science: Key Themes and Applications Copyright © 2024 by Alison H. Melley is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.