
OER Structure and Organization

Parts of a Textbook

Front matter

The front matter is the introductory section of your textbook and the first thing readers see. Some of these sections, like a copyright page, will be created by the VIVA Publishing team. The following table lists the items typically included in the front matter and the order in which they appear. While most open textbooks will have many of these elements, very few will have all of them. Only include the sections relevant to your textbook.

Front Matter[1]
Item Responsibility Purpose
Half title Publisher Includes just the title of the book on the recto (front side of the page) with a blank verso (back side of the page).
Title page Publisher Book title is repeated along with subtitle (if any), author(s) and/or editor(s), and illustrator (if any).
Copyright page Publisher On the verso of title page, the following may be included:

  • open-licence information (type, definition, where to obtain free copy of book)
  • if an adaptation, the changes made
  • publisher’s name and address
  • copyright notice
  • ISBN
  • date of publication and publishing history
  • printing information
Disclaimers Publisher These can appear on the colophon or separately after the title page.
Dedication Author The person or people for whom the author has written or dedicated the book.
Table of contents Publisher A list of all parts and chapters (or chapters and chapter sections) together with their respective page numbers. Front-matter items that appear after the table of contents are also included.
About this book Publisher This page defines open textbooks, other OER, and any other unique features for this type of book. Funding provided by the author’s institution, a public body, or philanthropic organization can also be noted.
List of illustrations and/or tables Publisher This summary is useful for the reader.
Foreword Expert (not the author) The forward is typically written by an outside expert in the field at the request of the primary author. The foreword author’s name, place, and date are included at the end of the statement.
Preface Author The author uses the preface to explain why and how they came to write the book. They might also describe their expertise in the subject area.
Acknowledgments Author The author acknowledges this list of individuals for their contributions and assistance.
Introduction Author This introduction describes the book’s contents as a whole. The book’s theme, layout, special features, and how instructors can make the best use of it can also be included. The author may also create a “How to Use This Book” section if more fitting.
List of abbreviations Publisher This list of abbreviations and their meanings is useful for the reader.
Accessibility statement Publisher If the book has been written and designed to be accessible, provide a description of how this was done and various options people have when accessing the book. Indicate the standards that have been followed, and provide contact information for where people can report any accessibility issues.
Publisher’s, translator’s, or editor’s notes  Publisher This information provides background on various aspects of the book’s creation depending on who writes the notes.


As you shape the content of your textbook’s main body, ask these questions:

  • How will the main body be divided? Indicate if parts or units will be used.
  • Will each chapter include chapter sections? (If chapter sections are included in the table of contents, it is easier for students and other instructors who might use your textbook to see at a glance the textbook’s content and navigate through the book.)
  • Will numbering and/or titles be used to identify parts, units, chapters, and chapter sections? If possible, include these in the outline. (Titles and numbering can be changed in the final draft, but establishing working titles helps during the organizational phase.)
  • How long should the book be? Estimate the word count for the entire book, and then break this number down into individual chapters.

Next, consider the layout, style, and length for each chapter and chapter section. Decide what elements to incorporate such as:

  • Learning objectives or outcomes that align with the textbook content are typically identified at the beginning of each unit, chapter, or chapter section
  • Chapter introduction
  • Exercises, essay questions, practice quizzes, or other methods for the student to self-test during reading or for the instructor to use for grading
  • Key terms are highlighted and defined throughout the textbook; some authors summarize these in a Glossary placed in the back matter
  • Chapter-end summary or list of key points or key takeaways
  • Suggested/additional reading lists at the end of each chapter or in the back matter
  • Resources (photos, illustrations, diagrams, graphs, charts, tables) and how they will be labeled, numbered, and captioned. Will these items be original creations or retrieved from external sources?
  • Multimedia (videos and audio clips) for online textbooks. Will these be embedded or will a link be provided? How will these elements be labeled, numbered, and captioned? Will transcripts be provided to ensure accessibility? Will you offer editable files?

These elements are covered in more depth in Textbook Structure and Elements.

Estimate the amount of time needed to create each item for each chapter or chapter section — and then double it. The majority of self-publishing authors underestimate the amount of time required to write and produce or collect resources and multimedia. If the tasks are completed ahead of schedule, bank this extra time for other delays later on.

Back matter

Items at the end, or as part of the back matter, of a textbook are typically supplements to the main text.

Back Matter[2]
Item Responsibility Purpose
Appendix/appendices Author An appendix provides supplementary material to information found in the main work. In cases where there are more than one appendices, they can be numbered and described for easier reference.
Glossary Author The glossary is a list of keywords or terms used within the book and their definitions. These terms are listed alphabetically. Many authors will highlight key terms when first defined in-text using bold or italics.
Reference list Author reference list notes all resources cited within a textbook and lists them alphabetically by the author’s last name.
Bibliography Author Typically, a bibliography refers to all works used as references within a textbook, both cited and read as background in preparation for writing. Note: A bibliography is not used by all style guides.
Suggested readings Author A list of additional books, articles, and other readings can be included here for students. Some authors choose to add suggested-reading lists targeted at the subject covered in a chapter at the end of each chapter.
Resources Author A list of helpful resources, such as videos and tools, can be added here.
About the author / Bio Publisher This page has the author’s biography followed by the biographies of any contributing authors listed in alphabetical order. This description is professional in nature and describes the author’s expertise, experience, and training in the textbook’s subject matter. A photo can be included.
Call for reviews Author This page can be included if the author is posting the textbook outside of a collection that provides for book reviews.
Index Publisher This list of keywords and terms is laid out alphabetically and includes the page numbers of where they can be found. Indexes are often left out of open textbooks, especially those available online, because keywords and terms can be easily found using the search field. In addition, because open textbooks are often available in a number of formats, it’s difficult to provide an index that will be useful in all formats.
Versioning history Publisher As open textbooks are often digital and available online, there is a certain expectation that minor corrections and updates be made as necessary, even after the book is live and completed. OERU has dedicated “Versioning History” pages to the back matter of its books for this purpose. This page provides information about how to report an error in the textbook, as well as a record of any updates and changes made in the textbook and the date of those changes.
This section has been adapted from OSU OER Faculty Guide 2nd ed by Stefanie Buck and Mark Lane licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The content was originally derived from Self-Publishing Guide by Laurie Aesoph, BCcampus is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International LicenseFront Matter and Back Matter tables: Some of this information was taken from Book design on Wikipedia and is used under a CC BY-SA 3.0 Licence.

OER Structure

Characteristics of a textbook , a seven-minute video by Oxford University Press Southern Africa.

Writing a textbook is not the same as writing any other book, although some books, especially monographs, can be and are often is used as a textbook. A textbook generally has a particular structure and specific components that make it a useful learning tool. Textbooks offer structure and scaffolding. Many include learning activities or other assessments. The language of a textbook is carefully crafted to match the educational level of the course. Textbooks are much more complex than most other publications. Not only do they need to cover a body of knowledge in a structured and logical way, but they also utilize design elements to help the learner better understand the subject.

Note that the textbook (OpenStax, Biology licensed under a CC-BY license [New Tab]) has more structure and guidance than the monograph. Source: Gunawan, R. & Bagheri, N. (2019), Biological Networks. MDPI-Multidisciplinary Digital Publishing Institute. https://www.mdpi.com/books/pdfdownload/book/1057. Licensed under a CC-BY-NC-ND.

Please note that a textbook is not a brain dump of everything you know about a subject. It is carefully scoped to suit your course’s and your students’ needs. Generally, a textbook is about 150,000 words in length. Individual chapters should average 3,000-4,000 words and never exceed 10,000 words.

The tree structure

The content in this section is also available as a Youtube Video: Textbook Development Techniques and Elements by Open Education Network on YouTube (CC BY 3.0 )

Textbooks can be thought of as having content divided into a tree structure. The terms used to name these structures could differ from book to book, but you will need to determine the terms used and the number of sub-levels in the tree. Think of it as the highest-level outline for the book’s structure. For instance, a textbook could have the following tree structure:

The “Book” is always the trunk of the tree, with the next level usually being “Chapter” or “Unit.” Determining this structure will eventually lead to the full book structure. For example, if the author decides to structure the book with



the completed book structure could look like this (showing chapter one sections only):

Diagram showing a book containing six chapters. Chapter one is divided into six sections.


This section has been adapted from OSU OER Faculty Guide 2nd ed by Stefanie Buck and Mark Lane licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted. The content was originally derived from Faculty OER Textbook by Shannon Moist (BCCampus) licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution and Open Textbook Publishing Orientation (Pub101). Structuring a Textbook with Pedagogical Elements by Open Education Network Publishing Curriculum is licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution license unless otherwise noted. Originally adapted from “Textbook writing tutorial” by Daniel K. Schneider licensed under CC BY NC SA 4.0 

Structural elements

Each element in the tree consists of structural elements designed to aid learning. Some of these elements are what set textbooks apart from other books. They provide structure, context, overview, motivation, review, and other functions that are useful for learning, especially if they are used consistently.

Dividing these elements into categories can be helpful when helping authors think about the elements they might want to use. Three element types help structure the textbook’s content: Openers, Closers, and Integrated Pedagogical Devices (Schneider, 2008).


Openers are structural elements that come before the main content of a tree level. Openers help lead the learner into the content. They could provide motivation and understanding of the structure of the content or a summary of what is to come. Common chapter openers include:

    • overviews (previews)
    • introductions
    • outlines (text, bullets, or graphics)
    • focus questions (knowledge and comprehension questions)
    • learning goals/objectives / outcomes / competencies / skills
    • case problem
    • In addition, one may use the “special features” used inside chapters, e.g., vignettes, photos, quotations…


Closers are structural elements that typically help learners review or reinforce their learning. Closers are typically found after the main content of a tree level. Closers often help students summarize, review, or practice what they’ve learned. Common chapter closers include:

  • conclusions and summaries (may include diagrams)
  • list of definitions
  • reference boxes (e.g., computer instructions)
  • review questions
  • self-assessment (usually simple quizzes)
  • small exercises
  • substantial exercises and problem cases
  • fill-in tables (for “learning-in-action” books) to prepare a real-world task
  • ideas for projects (academic or real world)
  • bibliographies and links (that can be annotated)

For example, each chapter in a textbook could have the following standard structure that utilizes opener and closer elements:

Note that openers and closers can happen at each level of the tree, including the book, chapter, section, etc.

Integrated pedagogical devices

Integrated pedagogical devices1 are strategies and elements used in the main content of a tree element to assist in learning. Often, these devices use design to differentiate each element, which separates them from the rest of the content and makes the element recognizable through consistent use in each chapter, section, etc.

For example, each chapter in a mathematics textbook might have:

  • a “Biography” element that highlights the biography and accomplishments of a famous mathematician
  • a “Case Study” element that illustrates the concepts by describing a real-world application
  • vocabulary words in bold
  • illustration of geometric figures
  • graphs

A full list of common Integrated Pedagogical Devices includes:

  • emphasis (boldface) of words
  • marginalia that summarizes paragraphs
  • lists that highlight main points
  • summary tables and graphics
  • cross-references that link backward (or sometimes forward) to important concepts
  • markers to identify embedded subjects (e.g., an “external” term used and that needs explanation)
  • study and review questions
  • pedagogical illustrations (concepts rendered graphically)
  • tips (to make sure that the learner doesn’t get caught in misconceptions or procedural errors)
  • reminders (e.g., make sure that something that was previously introduced is remembered)
  • case studies
  • problem descriptions
  • debates and reflections
  • profiles (case descriptions)
  • primary sources and data
  • models


In summary, structural elements aid in learning. They provide context and structure and can play a role in motivating learners, helping them reflect, and extending their understanding. Structural elements should be used consistently throughout the text so that all instances of a tree element are structured the same. This lessens the cognitive load on students by making the content more easily recognizable.

The list of Structural Elements is also available as a handout in MS Word: Textbook Elements


Schneider, D. K. (2008, September 3). Textbook writing tutorial. Retrieved March 04, 2018, from http://edutechwiki.unige.ch/en/Textbook_writing_tutorial 

For simplicity, Integrated Pedagogical Devices and Interior Feature Strands – as defined by Schneider – have been combined into one broad category we’re calling Integrated Pedagogical Devices.


This section has been adapted from OSU OER Faculty Guide 2nd ed by Stefanie Buck and Mark Lane licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. The content was originally derived from Structuring a Textbook with Pedagogical Elements by Open Education Network Publishing Curriculum is licensed with a Creative Commons Attribution license unless otherwise noted. Originally adapted from “Textbook writing tutorial” by Daniel K. Schneider licensed under CC BY NC SA 4.0 
  1. “Book Design,” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_design (accessed November 15, 2017). 
  2. “Book Design,” Wikipedia, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_design (accessed November 15, 2017), “Book Elements: A Literary Anatomy Lesson,” Authors.me, October 12, 2016, https://www.authors.me/the-anatomy-of-a-book/ (accessed January 16, 2018), and “What is Back Matter,” Scribendi, https://www.scribendi.com/advice/what_is_back_matter.en.html (accessed January 16, 2018). 


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Publishing with VIVA Copyright © by Jessica Kirschner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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