
24 Visual Impairment

This section includes the IDEA definition of the disability from federal law, along with specific information about eligibility criteria in Virginia. In addition, there is information about the prevalence, causes, and characteristics of this disability, along with specific strategies and accommodations that can meet the needs of students with this disability.

Aligned Standards

IDEA Definition

§ 300.8 (c) (13)

Visual impairment including blindness means an impairment in vision that, even with correction, adversely affects a child’s educational performance. The term includes both partial sight and blindness.

Eligibility Criteria

VDOE Supplemental Guidance for Evaluation and Eligibility Virginia-specific guidance document that includes sample eligibility checklist (Refer to Table of Contents pages 2-4 and click on page number for disability category)

Advocacy organizations

Blindness and Visual Impairment – Document created by Dr. Kim Avila to provide introductory information including advocacy groups.

ABOUT visual impairment


Visit the US Department of Education’s Open Data Platform to access IDEA Child Count Data by disability category, age, and other demographic and special education variables.

43rd Annual Report to Congress on the Implementation of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, 2021 – Authoritative source for numbers of students with blindness and visual impairment served under IDEA


Basics of Vision and Eye Health – The CDC provides a multipage site describing aspects of VI.



Introduction to Blindness and Visual Impairment Video – Dr. Kim Avila, national advocate and BVI expert provides an overview to the characteristics of BVI.

Visual Impairments – Project IDEAL page describing characteristics of BVI.

instructional strategies

Serving Students with VI – The IRIS center provides a module describing the collaboration necessary to serve students with BVI.

10 Practical Tips for Teaching Blind or Visually Impaired Students offers everyday teaching tips from teachers.

Strategies for Teaching Students Who Are Blind or Visually Impaired offers Literacy strategies for students with BVI.

accommodations / modifications

Accommodations and Modifications at a Glance: Educational Accommodations for Students Who Are Blind or Low Vision – APH Family Connect: For Parents of Children with Visual Impairments provides accommodations and modifications for children who are BVI.

Accommodations and Modifications – ICEVI provides sample accommodations and modifications.


Visual Impairment Including Blindness – This VDOE page provides resources for students with BVI.

PowerPoint: Visual Impairment

Quiz: Blind Visual Impairment Quiz Key


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Introduction to Special Education Resource Repository Copyright © 2023 by Serra De Arment; Ann S. Maydosz; Kat Alves; Kim Sopko; Christan Grygas Coogle; Cassandra Willis; Roberta A. Gentry; and C.J. Butler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.