Greetings, conversational expressions
Estonko! | How are you?/Hello! |
Estonkis os. | I’m fine. |
Centv? | How about you? |
Hērsci! | Hello! |
Mvto | Thank you |
Hompvks cē! | You all eat! |
Ehe, ehę̄ | Yes |
Monks | No |
Hilv! | Oh my! |
Enka! | Okay! |
Hvo! | Okay (in answering a command) |
Mowēt? | Really? |
Hvtēc | Wait!, Hold it! |
Vhoyvkēs | Let’s (two) go! |
Vpeyvkēs | Let’s (three or more) go! |
Likepvs! | Have a seat (said to one)! |
Acēyepvs! | Come on in (said to one)! |
Acēhoyepvks! | Y’all both come in (said to two)! |
Ascēyepvks! | Y’all come in (said to three or more)! |
Mucv-nettv ’cohrolopes! | Today is your birthday! |
Nettvcako-rakko afvckēt vrepvccvs! | Have a happy Christmas (said to one)! |
Nettvcako-rakko afvckēt fullepvkvccvs! | Y’all have a happy Christmas! |
Nettvcako-rakko afvckēn ocepvkvccvs! | Y’all have a happy Christmas! (another way) |
Ohrolopē mucvse afvckēn ocepvkvccvs! | Y’all have a happy New Year’s! |
Cehecarēs. | I’ll see you (said to one)./Good-bye. |
Cehecvkarēs. | I’ll see you all/Good-bye. |
’Tehecvkvrēs. | We’ll see each other again. |
Getting to know someone
Naket cehocefkv tē? | What is your name? |
Nvcowicetska? | How old are you? |
Estvmin vtetskēt owa? | Where do you come from? |
Tvlofv estowan liketsket owa? | Which town do you live in? |
Estvmin iececolvtēt owa? | Where did you grow up? |
Estvmin cokv hēcetskvtēt owa? | Where did you go to school? |
Cem estvlke estimvt owaka? | Who are your people? |
Cenahvmkvlke estit owaka? | Who are your kin? |
Estimvt cecket owa? | Who is your mom? |
Estimvt cerket owa? | Who is your father? |
Cerke hocefkv naket owa? | What is your father’s name? |
Tvlofv estvmin liket ‘cecolvtēt owa? | Which town did you grow up in? |
Mēkusvpkv-cuko estvmin fullet iececolvtēt owa? | Which church did you grow up attending? |
Mvhakv-cuko aretskēt owv? | Do you go to school? |
Enkvlēckv estowat cem vlostēt owv? | Which color do you like? |
Hompetv estowan cem vloste-mahēt owa? | What food do you like best? |
Atame estowatet eshę̄rus kowetsket owa? | What car do you think is prettiest? |
Nakcokv estowan oh-onayetsket owa? | What book are you reading? |
Nakcokv estowan vketēcetv cem vlostēt owa? | What book do you like to study? |
‘Cecolen owat, naken kerretv ceyacēt owa? | When you grow up, what do you want to learn? |
Naket owetv ceyacēt owa? | What do you want to be? |
Pokkeccetv ceyacet owv? | Do you want to play ball? |
Cem efv monkat pose owat onkat ponvttv yvmvse ocetskēt owv? | Do you have a dog or a cat or a tame animal? |
Welcoming someone
Acēyepvs! | Come in! |
Likepvs! | Have a seat! |
O! Cehēcvyat, ‘svcafvckēs. | Oh! Seeing you, I am happy. |
Mucv-nettv este omvlkv yicatskat, ‘sepofvckēt os. | We are happy everyone came today. |
Hērsci cekicvkēt os. | We say hello to you all. |
Hērsci. Estvmin vrēpvtet vlaketska? | Hello. Where have you been? |
‘Tehecvkat, hofonēs. | We haven’t seen each other in a long time. |
Nak-esketv ceyacv, vsse tis, monkat kafe tis, hvtvm sotv papke tis ceyacv? | Would you like something to drink, like tea or coffee, or do you want soda pop? |
Mowē witēs. | Maybe so. |
Vsse tis estonhkos. | Tea would be fine. |
Monkv sotv papke hvtvm mvo cvyacēt os kowis. Owv tis. | I’d like soda, too, I think. Or water. |
Asking about language
Mvskoke opunvkv opunayetskēt owv? | Do you speak Mvskoke? |
Estowēt “turtle” maketvt owa? | How do you say “turtle”? |
Estowēn “dog” maketskē tē? | How do you say “dog”? |
Estowēt “dog” maketv makakēt owa? | How do they say “dog”? |
Estowēt opunvkv “cat” makakēt owa? | How do they say “cat”? |
“Turtle” maketv, naket owa? | What is “turtle”? |
“Lucv” makin owat, naken maket okvya? | If I say “lucv (turtle)”, what am I saying? |
“Corakko” maketv momen “copihkv” maketv, naket etemvrahkēt owa? | “Corakko (horse)” and “copihkv (mule)”, what is the difference? |
“Hę̄rē” momen “hereko” maketv, naken mahokēt owa? | “Hę̄rē (good)” and “hereko (bad)”, what are they saying? |
Naket mak’t okakēt owa? | What do they mean? |
I want/I like
Vncvmpe-mahēt os. | I really like (a food). |
’Semvtehke vncvmpēt os. | I really like pie. |
’Svm vcvmpēt os. | I like it better. |
Atvme mucvsēn cvyac’t os. | I want a new car. |
Atvme mucvsēn cvyacēttos. | I need a new car. |
Efvn vm vlustēt os. | I like dogs. |
Rakkon vm vlustēt os. | I like horses. |
Pose vm vlustekot os./Pose cvyacekot os. | I don’t like cats. |
Mv enhomecvyēt os. | I don’t like him/her/that. |
Pose enhomechuecvyēt os. | I hate cats. |
Pose enhomecvyēt os. | I hate the cat. |
Pokkeccetvn cvyacet os. | I want to play ball. |
Rvro ’makwikv vretv ceyacēt owv? | Do you want to go fishing? |
Eco fakv fayetv ceyacēt owv? | Do you want to go deer hunting? |
Kowike hopoyetv ceyacēt owv? | Do you want to go look for quail? |
Asking for something (do you have?)
Vsoklv ocetskv? | Do you have sugar? |
Nak-heckv ocetskv? | Do you have a TV? |
Cukuce ocv? | Is there a bathroom? |
Mv cem atvme vm paletskehą? | Would you lend me your car? |
Uewv ’svm atetskehą? | Would you bring me water? |
Vm vnicetskehą? | Would you help me? |
Thanking someone
Mvto. Enka. | Thank you. Okay (you’re welcome). |
Mvto cekicis cē. | I thank you. |
Vm vnicetskat, mvto. | Thank you for helping me. |
Vlaketskat, mvto. | Thank you for coming. |
Vnnoricetskat, mvto, cekicvyēt os. | Thank you for cooking for me. |
Punnoricetskat, mvto, cekicvyēt os. | Thank you for cooking for us. |
Mahkis kowvkot cekic’t okvyis. | I said something to you I didn’t mean to say. |
Mahkis kowvkot mak’t okis. | I didn’t mean to say that. |
’Svm enwikvs. | Just let it go./I’m sorry. |
Mowē mahkis kowvkot cekicet okis. ’Svm enwikvs. | I said something to you that I shouldn’t have said. I’m sorry. |
Mohwis kowvkot mowēt ohwis. | I didn’t mean to do that. |
Vm ehosvs. | Forgive me. |
’Svm ocekot. | Don’t hold it against me. |
’Svm em ocekot owvs. | Don’t hold it against me. |
Cvfeknokkēs./Cefeknokkē te? | I’m sad./Are you sad? |
Cvlvwēs./Celvwē te? | I’m hungry./Are you hungry? |
Cvwvnhkēs./Cewvnhkē te? | I’m thirsty./Are you thirsty? |
Cvcvpakkēs./Cecvpakkē te? | I’m angry./Are you angry? |
Cvnahorēs./Cenahorē te? | I’m annoyed./Are you annoyed? |
Cvnuckelēs./Cenuckelē te? | I’m sleepy./Are you sleepy? |
Cvhotusēs./Cehotusē te? | I’m tired./Are you tired? |
Cvpenkvlēs./Cepenkvlē te? | I’m afraid./Are you afraid? |
Cvnokkēs. | I’m sick. |
Vnherekot os. | I don’t feel good. |
Vnhę̄resekot os. | I don’t feel good at all. |
Vnnokkētt os. | It’s hurting me. |
Vm enokkētt os. | My heart is broken. |
Vm enholwvkētt os. | I am heart broken. |
Cvfekcakhēs. | I’m jealous. |
Caleskēs. | I’m pouting/sulking. |
Cvkerrekot os. | I don’t know. |
Cvkę̄rresekot os. | I just don’t know. |
Cvfefekēkes. | I’m nervous. |
Cvfekhvmkekot os. | I’m nervous./I’m not very brave. |
Cvhvlvlatket os. | I’m slow. |
Cvhoses. | I’m forgetting. |
Cvfekhvmkētt os, vntat. | I’m confident. |
Cvfeksumkētis owēt owēs. | I’m nervous. |
Vcafvckekot os. | I’m unhappy. |
Vcafąckē-sekot os. | I’m not very happy. |
Vcafvckētt os. | I am happy. |
Vcafąckusēt os. | I’m very happy. |
Cvhopvnkēt ot os. | I’m wasted/drunk (slang). |
Cvhopvnkētt os. | I’m wasted/drunk (slang). |
Cvhottopēs. | I’m itchy. |
Vnokę̄cusis. | I love very much. |
Caring for someone
Cem estowa? | How are you? |
Cena estvmvn cennokkeko? | Your body isn’t aching anywhere, is it? |
Estvmvn cena cennokhokē tē? | Which part of your body hurts? |
Cehepetkēte? | Do you have a fever? |
Estonkon cena cetekhoyanv? | Are you regular?/Are your bowel movements okay? |
Estonkon hompetskv? | Are you eating okay? |
Hompetskē tayv? Hompetskeko tayv? | Can you eat? You can’t eat? |
Celvwēte? | Are you hungry? |
Celvwe-maheko? | You aren’t very hungry? |
Aklopetv ceyacv? | Do you want a bath? |
Cehvsvtecvhanvyv? | Shall I wash you? |
Accvkē cem eteyoposecvhanvyv? | Shall I change your clothes? |
Wakketv/centopv cen mvhericvhanvyv? | Do you want me to fix the bedding/your bed? |
Aliketv ceyacv? | Do you want to sit up? |
Cele kvwvpkicetv ceyacv? | Do you want to raise your legs up? |
Ahueretv ceyacv? | Do you want to stand up? |
Heleswv tv, hompvhanetskv? | Are you going to take your medicine? |
Heleswv hompetskē tayv? | Can you take your medicine? |
Stating an opinion
Vm vkerrickv vkerricvyat… | What I am thinking… |
Mohwē witēs kowvyēt os. | I think it might happen. |
Heyv etvlwv este vculvke ennene reshę̄ ren enmvhericakhoyat kowvyet os. | In this nation, I wish that they would improve the roads for the elderly. |
Toknawv ’sohfoyahkats kowvyēt os. | I don’t want them spending any money. |
Toknawv sulkē poyakēt os kowvyēt os. | I believe that they spend too much money. |
Mv nak Joe makat, vneu vkvsvmvyēt os. | I agree with what Joe said. |
Hvtvm Joe mv nak makat, vneu nak maketv ocis. | I have something to say on top of what Joe says. |
Saying a prayer
Purke hvlwē liketskat… | Our father who art in heaven… |
Estowēt kowetskat pum vnicvs. | Whatever you wish, help us. |
… vketēcet owvccvs. | Watch over … |
Escenwikēt os. | We put it in your hands. |
Mucv-nettv yv hompetv hompvhaneyat, mvto cekicēt os. | The food that we are about to eat today, we say thank you. |
Mv merkv nake omvlkv mowē fulleyat punmerrvs. | Forgive all the things that we do. |
Yv hompetv ’sēvnicvhaneyat, mvto cekicēt os. | For the food that we are about to nourish our bodies with, we thank you. |
Heyv etohkvlkvhaneyat … | As we gather today … |
’Pupaket, vkerrickv hvmkusēn ’tenhayet … | Be with us, let our thoughts be unified … |
Moweyvrēs kowet, mvn vnickv cem pohēt os. | Hoping that we will be able to do that, we are asking you for help. |
Mvto cekicēt os. | We thank you. |
Describing people
Mary-t mvt ekisse lanvkēt owēs. | Mary’s hair is blonde. |
Ēyokkofketv holattēn vccēt owēs. | He’s wearing a blue shirt. |
Mv cēpvnusat ēyokkofketv catusē accat pvfnēt os. | The little boy wearing the red shirt is fast. |
Hvkįhke-mahēt os. | He cries a lot. |
Yvhikēt os. | She sings. |
Cokv-hēcvt os. | She’s a student. |
Okemah vtēt os. | She comes from Okemah. |
Complimenting someone
O! Orēn ēhvsvtēcēt ar’t ontskes. | Oh! You really cleaned yourself up. |
Cekisse mvhericetskat eshę̄rus kowis. | I think the way you fixed your hair is pretty. |
Estelepikv vcacvkēt owat kērris. Esherąkus. | I bet you’re shoes are expensive. They’re pretty! |
Atvme mucasusat cem vnacket os. Eshę̄rus. | You’re lucky to have a brand-new car. It’s very pretty. |
Mv osafke hayetskat here-mahēs kowis. | I think that sofkee you made is very good. |
Hę̄rētt os. | It’s very good. |
Herēn opunayet ontskes. | You speak well. |
Maskoke em opunvkv here-mahen ’punayet ontskes. | You speak Mvskoke very well. |
Yvhiketv hę̄rusen yvhiket owetskes kowis. | I think you sing songs very well. |
Ēvhericetskat cehę̄rus’t aret ontskes. | You look really pretty dressed up |
Orēn cem vtotketv yekcēn vtotketskēt ont os, ’svcafvckēs. |
I am happy you work so hard at your job. |
Vtotketv poyit kowet, vtotketskēt os. | You work trying to finish the job. |
O! Mv tat cuko hę̄rus. | Oh! What a beautiful house! |
Takhę̄rus! | It’s beautiful inside! |
Mv tat, cencuko tat takhę̄rus. | Wow, your house is beautiful inside. |
Esnorickv-cuko ofv hvsątkus! | The kitchen is so clean! |
Cenwakketv ofv topv eshę̄rus, mvhericetskes. | The way you have fixed your bedroom is very nice. |
Centakfettv mvo pvhe warepetsket on, eshę̄rus. | You have also mowed your lawn and it is very pretty. |
Centakfettv pakpakuce ocetskat, herąkus. | The flowers you have in your yard are really nice. |
Cem efv, punvttv ocetskat mvo, cvfencąkusēt os. | Your dog and the animals you have are really healthy. |
Encouraging someone
Momis komet vrvccvs. | Have hope and determination as you go. |
Ēhoporrenicet aret owvccvs. | Have some sense as you go about. |
Apohicet aret owvccvs. | Have a listening ear as you go about. |
Cokv kērret kowet aret owvccvs. | Be determined to learn as you go about. |
Hę̄ren vtotket aret owvccvs. | Work hard as you go about. |
Ēvcayēcet. | Take care of yourself. |
Ēvcayēcet welaket owvkvccvs cē. | Take care of yourselves as you both go about. |
Toknawv ’sēvkērret aret owvccvs. | Save your money as you go about. |
Ēhoporrenicet aret owvccvs. | Be well disciplined as you go about. |
Classroom phrases
Heyv nake te? | What is this? |
Pokkot os. | It’s a ball. |
Heyvt pokko lanet os. | This is a green ball. |
Heyvt pokko catet os. | This is a red ball. |
Estvmv pokko lika? | Where is the ball? |
Hecvs! | Look! |
Likvs! | Sit! |
Huervs! | Stand! |
’Punvyekot! | Don’t talk! |
Time expressions
Hvthvyatken mvn rorarēs. | I’ll be there in the morning. |
Hvthvyatkusen mvn rorarēs. | I’ll be there right at daybreak. |
Fvccvlikv mahen mvn rorarēs. | I’ll be there around noon. |
Fvccvlikat mvn rorarēs. | I’ll be there at noon. |
Fvccvlik hoyanof(vn) mvn rorarēs. | I’ll be there in the afternoon. |
Hvse-vkērkv hokkolan mahen mvn rorarēs. | I’ll be there around two o’clock. |
’Svhokkolat rennvrkvpvn mvn rorarēs. | I’ll be there at half past two. |
’Svhokkolat hoyanusen mvn rorarēs. | I’ll be there a little past two. |
Yafkofvn mvn rorarēs. | I’ll be there in the evening. |
Kē hvse orof mvn rorarēs. | I’ll be there in May. |
Kē hvse encahkēpat orofvn mvn rorarēs. | I’ll be there May fifth. |
Cvtaklatkes. Vm vnicvs! | I fell. Help me! |
Vntv̨lkuset likis. Vnickv cvyac’t owis. | I’m living by myself. I was needing some help. |
Cvnokkēttos. Vlēkcv hecetv cvyaces. | I’m sick. I want to see a doctor. |
Cukot vnnokrēs. Vm vnicvks! | My house is on fire. Help me! |
Tvlak-cate ’svm vnokres. | My red beans are burning. |
Mv opuswuce noricetskat ’scen morkes. | The soup you’re cooking is boiling over. |
Mv vlose mowen noricetskat, ‘sohkueyvs! | Move the rice you’re cooking! |
Vm atot vnfekhonnes cē. Vm vnicvs! | My car is broken down. Help me! |
Hopuewv mvhakv-cuko escunēckv ohlikekot os. Estont owat hopoyvks! | My child didn’t get on the bus. Whatever has happened, look for him! |
Attracting someone’s attention
Heyv! | Over here! (said to get someone’s attention) |
Yv! | Here! |
Suggestions or advice
Naket estowēs kowetska? | How do you think it’s going? |
Naket estowvyētē? | What can I do? |
Vtotketv tis eshecetskē tayēs. | You could find a job. |
Toknawv mvo ‘sēvkērretskēs. | You could save money, too. |
Cuko ētvn likepetskēs. | You could live in another home. |
Vm vkerrickv estowēt hę̄ren huerit owē tayat vm vnicetskehą? | I’ve been thinking about how I could be in better standing, would you be able to help me? |
Vtotketv wikis kowetskv? | Do you think I should leave my job? |
Vtotketv wikvyē tayat hę̄rehą kowetskv? | Do you think it would be better for me if I quit my job? |
’Stonkon aris kowetskv? | Do you think I would be all right? |
Ēkvnv estvmimvn nēsvyētē? | Where could I buy land? |
Toknawv ’svkerretv estowēt owetv vm onayetskehą? | Would you be able to help me learn to save money? |
Heyv vnhesse vpakvyat ’svnhę̄rēs kowetskv? | This person I’m with, do you think he/she is good for me? |
Atvme yowat mvn nēsihą? | Should I buy a car like this? |
Estowēs kowetska? | What do you think about that? |
Mvhakv-cuko reshvlwat hecvhan’t owis. Mvt estowēs kowetska? | I’m going to go to college. What do you think about that? |
Fettv ’stonko? | How is it outside? |
Hotalusēt os. | It’s blowing a little. |
Osket os. | It’s raining. |
Hetotet os. | It’s snowing. |
Alekuthicet os. | It’s warming up. |
Akvsvppēcet os. | It’s getting cold. |
Tenētket os. | It’s thundering. |
Hvsottēt os. | It’s sunny. |
Kvsvppēt os. | It’s cold. |
Hiyēt os. | It’s hot. |
Oskvhanvcoks. | It looks like it’s going to rain. |
Fettv hvsǫttusēt os. | It is very sunny outside. |
Fettv yąfkusēt os. | It is late in the evening outside. |
Fettv hoperēt os. | It’s foggy outside. |
Fettv hetutē hvtkuecusēt os. | It’s frosty outside. |
Fettv hetutē-hvtkuce lvtikvtēt os. | Frost has fallen. |
Fettv hetutē nērket os. | It is hailing outside. |
Fettv hetutē tenēpicēt os. | It’s icy outsde (a thick sleet). |
Yekce-mahēt oskes. | It’s raining hard. |
Fettv sulkēn oskes. | It’s raining a lot. |
Honne-mahēn oskes. | It’s raining hard (big drops). |
Oskē waskusēt os. | It’s barely sprinkling. |
Fettv oskē waskēt os. | It’s sprinkling outside. |
Fettv oskē waskusēt os. | It’s barely sprinkling outside. |
Fettv hetutē hvtkuecēt os. | The snow is making it white outside. |
Fettv hetute-mahēt os. | It’s really snowing outside. |
Fettv hetutē cekficēt os. | The snow is getting thick outside. |
Fettv kvsvppe-mahē hakēt os. | It is getting very cold outside. |
Fettv kvsvppē mahetvt haket os. | It’s getting bitterly cold. |
Fettv hiyē-hayē hakes. | It’s getting really hot outside. |
Emontalet hiyēs. | It is extremely/dangerously hot. |
Hiyowat fettv hiyē-hayēt os. | Now it is very hot outside. |
Fettv hiyē ’senhoyvnēt os. | It has gotten extremely hot outside. |
Fettv hotale-mahēt os. | It is blowing harder outside. |
Fettv hotalēt os. | It’s windy outside. |
Fettv hotvle-mahēt os. | It is very windy outside. |
’Svhotvle-mahēt os. | The wind is getting stronger outside. |
Fettv hvnvcofēlv ’svlicēcvhan’t os kowis. | I think a twister is about to start. |
Fettv hvnvcofēlv-rakko ’svlvkvhan’t os kowis. | I think a tornado is coming. |
Fettv hvnvcofēlv-rakko hoyanet os kowis. | I think a tornado is passing outside. |
Nene mvo hetutē estenēpicet os. | The roads are icy. |
Hompetv hayvhan’t owēs. | We’re going to cook. |
Hompetv hayvyof, pvlaknv okkosvccvs. | While I’m cooking, you could wash dishes. |
Noriceyof, taklikucen hayetskēs. | While we’re cooking, you can make biscuits. |
Hompetv hayeyof, takliken hayetskēs. | As we prepare the food, you can make the bread. |
Noriceyof, taklike hayēpis kowetsken owat hayepvs. | While we’re cooking, if you think you can make biscuits, make them. |
Tolose warwicvhanis. | I am going to cut up the chicken. |
Tolose warwicetskeha? | Can you cut up the chicken? |
Vnet custaken horvhanis. | I am going to boil the eggs. |
Vlose hayarē ceyacv? | Do you want me to make the rice? |
Monks. Vnt hayeparēs. | No. I’ll make it. |
’Svnokrihcetskē witēs. | You might burn it. |
Totkv-hute tvnkof, mv hoktēt taklik-cvmpv hayvrēs. | When the oven is empty, that girl will make a cake. |
Pvlaknv okkoskuecetv estimvt okkosē tayv? | Which one of you can wash the dishes? |
Pvlaknv okkoskuecetv etem vnicvhanvkv? | Are we going to help each other wash dishes? |
Pvlaknv okkoskuecin, pvlaknv kvrkvpuecvhanetskv? | I’ll wash the dishes, are you going to dry the dishes? |
Pvlaknv okkosin, pvlaknv kvrkvpēcetskēs. | I’ll wash the dishes, and you can dry the dishes. |
Hompetv hayvhan’t owis. | I’m going to prepare the food. |
Esnorickv etetakuehcit, vtelohyit. | I’m going to get the pans ready and gather them. |
Monkv tolose asehset etewarwicvs. | Now take the chicken out and cut it up. |
Heyv tafvmpe warwicetskehą? | I wonder if you could cut up this onion? |
Ohhompetv ayoh-ocetskehą? | Can you set the table? |
Hompetv pvlaknvn ayoh-ocetskehą? | Can you set the dinner plates? |
Vsse hayetskehą? | Can you make tea? |
Vsse acvncicetskehą? | Can you pour tea? |
Vsse cvmpekon hayetskehą? | Can you make unsweet tea? |
’Sēhvsvtēckv ayoh-vpoyetskehą? | Can you put napkins on the table? |
’Sēhvsvtēckv ayesohliketskehą? | Can you put the napkins on the table (a package)? |
’Sēhvsvtēckv ayoh-ocetskehą? | Can you set the napkins out (a stack)? |
’Sēhvsvtēckv heckuecetskehą? | Can you provide some napkins? |
Hompvks kicvs. | Tell him/her to eat. |
Hompetv takēs kicvkvs. | Tell them the food is ready. |
Hompetv takēs kicahkēs. | We told them it was time to eat. |
Okcvnwv asvnwiyvs. | Pass me the salt. |
Homuce ceyacv? | Do you want pepper? |
Vsse hvtvm ocetskv? | Do you have more tea? |
Hvtvm vsse cvyaces. | I want more tea. |
Hvtvm a vm vcvnvs! | Pour me some more! |
Vlose hvtvm ceyacv? | Do you want more rice? |
Heyv tolose hēre-hayet os. | This chicken is really good. |
Heyv ’semvtēhke vmvlostēt os. | I like this pie. |
Yv ’semvtēhke cvyacēt os. | I like this pie. |
Heyv vpvtvkv tvkvcwēt os. | The bread is hard. |
Heyv osafke herēt os. | This sofkee is good. |
Heyv vpeswv tvlvswēt os. | This meat is tough. |
Heyv tvlako nore-mahekot os. | These beans aren’t cooked enough. |
Heyv hompetv topaksēt os. | This food is bland. |
Heyv cele homēt os. | This chili is spicy. |
Heyv cele hiye-mahēt os. | This chili is really hot. |
Heyv vpeswv ‘sakmorket os. | This meat is fried. |
Vpeswv neha tvlkēt os. | This meat is too greasy. |
Heyv vhv-cerēhe hervke-mahekot os. Lekwvkēt os. | These potatoes aren’t very good. They’re rotten. |
Heyv vce cvmpat os. | This corn is the sweet one. |
Hompvhanēkv, mēkusvpkv hayetskehą? | We’re going to eat, so can you say a prayer? |
Atvmen vtēhkvkēs. | Let’s get in the car. |
Atvme ’sēwvnvk’tv ’sēwvnahket. | Fasten your seatbelt. |
Atvme pvfne ’svre-mahekot owvccvs. | Don’t drive the car very fast. |
Atvme neha ’mvcvnvccvs. Pokepvhąnusēt owis. | Put gas in the car. I’m about to run out. |
Atvme ohfēkvccvs. | Make a payment on the car. |
Atvme ohlekųthusēt os. | The car is warm inside. |
Atvme pvcoksēt os. | The car is dented. |
Atvme mv fvccv esfikvs. | Turn the car that way. |
Mv atvme kvskvnv fvccvn ’svyvs. | Drive the car to the left. |
Mv atvme lvpotkē ’svyvs. | Drive the car straight. |
Atvme vcekellicvs. | Back the car up. |
Atvme vhericet vcekellicvs. | Back the car up carefully. |
Atvme pvfne-mahat ‘svyekot–este-wvnayvt arēt os. | Don’t drive fast–there’s a police officer. |
Atvme pvfnetvn ’sayetskes. Nene oh-vketēcvt cefekhonnicvrēs. | You’re driving the car too fast. The highway patrol will stop you. |
Atvme ’svtohketv ceyacv, kot vne mi ’svtohkvhanvyv? |
Do you want to drive, or am I going to drive instead? |
Atvme ’svtohkepvs. Vntat ’svtohketv cvyaceks. | Please drive the car. I don’t want to drive. |
Cem ato min ’svhoyvkēts. Cenake min atvme rakkēt os. | Let’s take your car instead. Yours is a big car. |
Yekcēt oskekv, atvme estakhēckv em mvyatmicvs. | It’s raining hard, so turn your wipers on. |
Atvme enkulkē kulkuecvs. | Turn on the car lights. |
Atvme yopv min ohlikvs. | Sit in the back of the car. |
Atvme homv ’sarat, ’svhvmpalofik’t ’svyvs. | Go around the car that’s in front of you. |
Atvme mv cehomv ’sarat ’svfihket eshoyvnvs. | Go around and pass the car in front of you. |
’Svfihket eshoyvnvs. | Go around and pass it. |
Atvme ’svtohket Henryettan vhoyvkēts. | Let’s drive the car and go to Henryetta. |
Atvme ’svtohket hompetvn vhoyvkēts. | Let’s drive the car and go eat. |
Yv fvccv. | This way. |
Vkērkv hokkolat mahen lvpotkē ’sahyvs. | Go straight for two miles. |
Mv ’sfekhonnetv makat mvn, esfekhonnvs. | Stop at the stop sign. |
Kvskvnv fvccvn mv ‘sfikvs. | Turn left. |
Mv nene hērv I-40 kihocat mvn kvskvnv fvccvn ’sfihkvs. | Turn left onto I-40. |
Mv hompetv-cuko Cowpokes makē likat, estowēt roretsketē? | How do you get to that Cowpokes cafe? |
Talking on the phone
O, hērsci, Bill. | Oh, hello, Bill. |
Mary arv? | Is Mary there? |
’Cepakv? | Is he/she with you? |
Vtotkaccv? | Are you all working? |
Sepeko. | He/she’s not here. |
Mary, sepeko? | Mary’s not there? |
Estvmin ahya? | Where did he/she go? |
Tvlofvn ahye[s]. | He/she went to town. |
O, onkv hvtētof owan aem vhuehkarēs. | Oh, I’ll call her later. |
Enka. | Okay. |
Ahuehketskat, em onvyarēs. | I’ll tell her you called. |
Mary sepekot os. Ecken vcak-vyehpes. | Mary is not here. She went with her mother. |
’Rvlak ’n owat, onvkuce nak tis em onvyarē ceyacv? | When she gets back, do you want me to give her a note or tell her something? |
Avnhuehkvccvs, kicvccvs. | Tell her to call me. |
Ehē, Mary ares. Mowisen, hvtecce. Rim onahyin. | Yes, Mary is here. But wait. I’ll go tell her. |
Hvtvm iecenhuehkarēs. | I will call you again. |
Hvtvm cem punvyarēs. | I’ll talk to you again. |
Etem punahoyvkvrēs. | We’ll talk again. |
Asking permission
Mucv-nerē nak-heckuce ahyit, reshecēpihą? | Can I go see a movie tonight? |
Vnhesse mvhakv-cuko welakeyat hvnket encukon vncukopericvs cvkices. Vyēpihą? | One of my friends at school invited me to visit. Can I go? |
Vnhesse encuko rem ohhvyvtkepihą? | Can I stay overnight at my friend’s house? |
Mucv-nerē yafkat, reshompēpvkhą? | Can we go out to eat tonight? |
Asking favors
Atvme ’svrēpihą? | Can I take the car? |
Tvlofv ’svcayetskehą? | Can you give me a ride to town? |
Wakv-pesē vnnēsetskehą? | Can you buy milk for me? |
Wakv-pesē rvnnēsetskehą? | Can you go buy milk for me? |
Tafvmpe mvn ocvkot os. Vnnēsetskehą? | I don’t have any onions. Can you buy me some? |
Rvnnēsetskehą? | Can you go buy me some? |
Vnkosąpkus’t ar’t owis. Hvte vnfēhokekot on. ’Sēvnickuce estowusis vm paletskehą? |
I’m in need. I haven’t been paid yet. Could you lend me a little help? |
Mucv-nerēn vnhopuewv vm vketēcetskehą? | Can you watch my child tonight? |
Este hvnket vlahket, nak-cokv esvhanēt owis. Mv vm vketēcetskehą? | A person is supposed to come and pick this book up. Can you watch for them for me? |
Vm etektvnkekot os. Vntakfettv pvhe vnwaretskehą? | I don’t have time. Would you be able to mow my lawn? |
Atvme vm vlilēceko tat os. Vnmvhericetskehą? | My car won’t start. Can you fix it for me? |
Vm efv vm vketēcetskehą? | Can you watch my dog for me? |
Hopuewv mvhakv-cuko arēt owēs. Hvse-vkērkv tuccēnat mahat rēvpayetskehą? | My child is at school. Would you be able to pick him/her up at about 3 o’clock? |
Vncuko owv vnfekhonnehpvttos. Owv/uewv ’svm atetskehą? |
The water has stopped at my house. Can you bring me some water? |
Etohkvlkvhanēt owis, mucv yafkat. Vlvkvhanetskofv, ’semvtehke ‘svlaketskehą? | We’re going to gather this evening. When you’re coming, can you bring a pie? |
At work
Heyv cokv ohsatetskehą? | Can you sign this paper? |
Nake vrahkvn kowet aretska? | What is your reason for being here? |
Ę̄ mvtektvnēcepihą? | Can I take a break? |
Heyv ’svhayepicetskehą?/ ’sohvnoricetskehą? | Can you make a copy of this?/print it? |
Heyv vhayetskehą? | Can you draw this?/scan it? |
Heyv vnkvpetvne cokv ohsatetskvs cvkihces. Ohsatetskehą? | My boss said for you to sign this. Can you sign it? |
Ossvhan’t owis. | I’m going out. |
Vnnvthofv ossvhan’t owis. ’Setemponakv cvmakken owat, vyoposketskehą? | I’m going to leave my office. If my phone rings, can you answer it? |
Fvccvlikat hompetv etenhompetv ceyacv? | Do you want to have lunch together? |
Estvmin vyetv ceyaca? | Where do you want to go? |
Estvmin hompetv ceyaca? | Where do you want to eat? |
Hvtehakvhanen vtotketv kvpahket vyēpihą? | Can I leave work early? |
Heyv Mvnte orvhanat, em etektvnecetv cvyac’t os. Vm vkvsametskehą? | I’d like to take this Monday off. Can you approve it for me? |
Mv nak-cokv vtotkē ’sēvnicvhaneyvtē ’stvn eslikat kērretska? | Do you know where the papers we were going to work on are? |
Mv pvfne-tohtvlēcickv avntotetskehą? | Can you send me an email? |
Ekvlpe-omē ocvyat owat ocetsket owv? | Do you have a computer like mine? |
Cvnake cvhosehpvttis. Vm paletskehą? | I just realized I forgot mine. Can you lend me one? |
Mv toknawv vn paletskvnkē, yicenfēkis. Vm vnicetskvtē, mvto, cekicvyēt os. | I’m paying you back the money you lent me. Thank you for helping me. |
Fvccvlikat etenhompeyat, ’svcafvckē tis, mvto cekicvyēt os. | I enjoyed eating lunch together. Thank you. |
’Sestenfēketv cokv ametskat mvto cekicvyēt os. | Thank you for the paycheck you gave me. |
Talking to a pet
Wǫhkat wikvs! | Quit barking! |
’Stvtąskat wikvs! | Quit jumping on people! |
Wakkvs/Takwakkvs/Vsin rawakkvs! | Lie down/Lie on the ground/Go lie over there. |
Tise, hompetv ceyacv? | Do you want food, Daisy? |
Tise, likvs! | Sit, Daisy! |
Tise, vcvsēkvs! | Daisy, shake my hand! |
Fettv yvkvpetv ceyacv? | Do you want to walk outside? |
Yvkvpkv ceyacv? | Do you want a walk? |
’Resvtvs! | Fetch! |
Rakpvlkvs! | Roll over! |
Vcakkekot! | Don’t bite me! (it’s already doing it) |
Vcvkiketskvs! | Don’t bite me! (it might do it) |
Mv este vkiketskvs! | Don’t bite that person! |
Wikvs! Vwǫhkat wikvs! | Quit! Quit barking at him! |
Vtes! | Come! |
Vsin vyvs! | Go away!/Go over there! |
Hompepvs! | Eat! |
Nocepvs! | Go to sleep! |
Rawakkvs! | Go lie down! |
Hvkįhkekot! | Don’t cry! |
Hvkįhkat wikvs! | Quit crying! |
Names of dogs
‘Fv-hvtke | White dog |
‘Fv-lane | Brown dog |
‘Fv-lvste | Black dog |
Tvkahle | Spotted |
Hvtke | White |
Naken ceyaca? | What do you want? |
Naken nesetv ceyaca? | What do you want to buy? |
Naken hēcetska? | What are you looking at? |
Naken estowvhaneya? | What are we going to do? |
Naken vkerricetska? | What are you thinking about? |
Naken estowetska? | What are you doing? |
Naken vpelicetska? | What are you laughing about? |
Naken hayetska? | What are you making? |
Naken noricetska? | What are you cooking? |
Naken maketska? | What did you say? |
Naken hompetska? | What are you eating? |
Estimvt hvkihket owa? | Who’s crying? |
Estimvn hehcetska? | Who did you see? |
Estimvt takhoyant owa? | Who passed by? |
Estimvt hvkihket owa? | Who’s crying? |
Estimvt nak-emkv epohya? | Who won the gift? |
Estimvt efv hompihca? | Who fed the dog? |
Estimvt owv takpvlahta? | Who spilled the water? |
Estimvt cuko hvsvtehca? | Who cleaned the house? |
Estimvt pvlaknv ohkoskuehca? | Who washed the dishes? |
Estimvt accvkē pvkohlihca? | Who folded the clothes? |
Estimvt topv mvherihca? | Who made the bed? |
Estimvt ēyokkofketv sehta? | Who tore the shirt? |
Estimvt nakhēckv makhutiya? | Who turned off the TV? |
Estimvt mv essihya? | Who painted that? |
Estimvt laksisa? | Who was lying? |
Estimvt aret owisa? | Who was that going around? |
Estimvt os kowetskisa? | Who did you think it was? |
Estimvn hehcetska? | Who did you see? |
Estimvn aren hehcetska? | Who did you see going around? |
Estimvn casino aren hehcetska? | Who did you see at the casino? |
Heyv estimv encokvt owa? | Whose book is this? |
Heyv estimv em atvmet owa? | Whose car is this? |
Estimv ehet owa? | Whose husband is it? |
Estvmin vtotketskēt owa? | Where do you work? |
Estvmin ahyetska? | Where did you go? |
Estvmin aretsket ont okhoyisa? | Where were you at as they were saying? |
Estvmin mēkusvpkv-cuko aretskēt owa? | Where do you go to church? |
Estvmin vlētketska? | Where are you running to? |
Estvmin vtotketskēt owa? | Where do you work? |
Estvmin ahyetska? | Where did you go? |
Estvmin aretsket ont okhoyisa? | Where were you at as they were saying? |
Estvmin mēkusvpkv-cuko aretskēt owa? | Where do you go to church? |
Estvmin vlētketska? | Where are you running to? |
Estvmimvn cokv hēcetsket owa? | Where do you go to school? |
Estvmimvn aretskisa? | Where were you? |
Estvmimvn fullatskisa? | Where were you all? |
Estvmimvn nak-heckuce hehcetska? | Where exactly did you see the movie? |
Cokv estvn ceyaca? | Which book do you want? |
Estvn ceyaca? | Which do you want? |
Estvn ayetska? | Where are you going? |
Cokv estowan ceyaca? | Which book do you want? |
Estowaten ceyaca? | Which one do you want? |
Estowaten kowetskisa? | Which one were you thinking of? |
Estowaten hecvhanetska? | Which one are you going to see? |
Estowaten, Janet monkat Galen, hecvhanetska? | Which one, Janet or Galen, are you going to see? |
Estofvn vtotketv wikvhanetska? | When are you going to quit? |
Estofvn vtotketv ossvhanetska? | When are you going to leave work? |
Estofvn osafke hayetv ceyaca? | When do you want to make sofkee? |
Estofvn mvhakv-cuko vyvhanetska? | When are you going to school? |
Estofvn hompvhanetska? | When are you going to eat? |
Estofisēn Uewohkv ahyetska? | When was it you went to Wewoka (today/last night)? |
Estofvnkēn Uewohkv ayetskvnka? | When did you go to Wewoka? |
Estofvnkēn mvhakv-cuko respoyetskvnka? | When did you finish school? |
Estofvnkēn setapho hompetskvnka? | When did you eat cabbage? |
Estofemahvnkēn cehēckemvtē? | About when was it that you were born? |
Nettv estofvnkēn Uewohkv ayetskvnka? | What day did you go to Wewoka? |
How many
Cokv nvcowēn ceyaca? | How many books do you want? |
Svtv nvcowen ceyaca? | How many apples do you want? |
Atvme nvcowen ocetsket owa? | How many cars do you have? |
Wakv-pesē nvcowen ceyaca? | How much milk do you want? |
Vsse nvcowen mahen ceyaca? | About how much tea do you want? |
Cokv nvcowēn ceyaca? | How many books do you want? |
Svtv nvcowen ceyaca? | How many apples do you want? |
Wakv-pese neha nvcowat mahen ceyaca? | About how much cream do you want? |
Nvcowa? | How many are they?/How much is it? |
Hvse-vkērkv nvcowat mahen hompvhanetska? | About what time are you going to eat? |
Hvse-vkērkv nvcowat mahen homipetska? | About what time did you eat? |
Nettv nvcowat mahet owvnka? | About what date was it? |
Estowēn osafke hayetvt owa? | How do you make sofkee? |
Estowēn cekisse warvhanetska? | How are you going to cut your hair? |
Estowēn Okmvlke tvlofv ayetskē tē? | How do you go to Okmulgee? |
Nak stowen atvme ohkoseccekisa? | Why didn’t you wash the car? |
Nak stowen cokv hoccicetskekisa? | Why didn’t you write the letter? |
Nak stowen vm apohicetskekisa? | Why didn’t you listen to me? |
Nak stowen ahyetska? | Why did you go? |
Nak stowen svtv catēt owa? | Why is an apple red? |
Nak stowen atvme cem vhopvnika? | Why did your car break down? |