
23 Location and direction

The verbs vtotketv ‘to work’ and vyetv ‘(one) to go to’ differ in their assumptions about locations. The first describes an action without implying a specific direction or place. With verbs like this, a noun phrase followed by –n is interpreted as a general location where the action took place. 

Bill tvlofvn vtotkvnks. ‘Bill worked in town.’

In this case English needs a preposition in, but general locations are just marked with –n in Mvskoke (the same way an object is marked). 

A verb like vyetv ‘(one) to go to’ implies a specific destination. The action is understood to be directed toward a place. In this case, a location marked with –n is interpreted as a destination. 

Bill tvlofvn ayvnks. ‘Bill went to town.’

Here again English needs a preposition to, but Mvskoke just uses –n. The hearer knows the location is a destination rather than a general location because vyetv implies one.

A verb like vtetv ‘(one) to come from’ implies a source. Here again Mvskoke just uses –n, but the meaning of the verb makes it clear that the sense is ‘from’. 

Uewohkvn vtvyēs. ‘I come from Wewoka.’

Postpositions: ofv ‘inside’, onvpv ‘above’

A POSTPOSITION relates a noun phrase to other parts of a sentence, usually by specifying direction or location. The following is a list of postpositions. 

elecv ‘below, under’
etenrvwv ‘between’
ofv ‘inside’
fvccv ‘toward’
onvpv ‘above, on top of’
nvrkvpv ‘in the middle of’
yopv ‘behind’
tvpalv ‘on the other side of’
topvrv ‘on the back side of’
ehomv ‘in front of’
tempe ‘near’
  • Postpositions usually appear with objects. The object comes before the postposition. The object is not marked with -n or -t.
cuko elecv ‘under the house
cuko ofv ‘in the house
cuko tempe ‘near the house
  • When using a postposition and its object in a sentence, the postposition is usually marked with –n. 
Pokko [ohhompetv lecvn] likes. ‘The ball is sitting [under the table].’
Pokko [ohhompetv yopvn] likes. ‘The ball is sitting [behind the table].’
Pokko [ohhompetv ehomvn] likes. ‘The ball is sitting [in front of the table].’
  • The object of the postposition (ohhompetv ‘table’ in the above examples) can be viewed as a possessor of the postposition. Patient prefixes are used for persons.
cvlecvn ‘under me
celecvn ‘under you
elecvn ‘under him/her/it’
pulecvn ‘under us
  • You can use -us after a postposition to mean ‘just (below, etc.)’.
elecusan just below’
onvpusan just below’

Classifying location: aklikes/ohlikes/taklikes/vlikes

Prefixes on verbs clarify where something is located. These are often used with verbs describing position, like liketv ‘(one) to sit’.

likes ‘he/she/it is sitting’
aklikes ‘he/she/it is sitting in water, a low place
ohlikes ‘he/she/it is sitting on a table, etc.’
taklikes ‘he/she/it is sitting on the ground or floor
vlikes ‘he/she/it is sitting on a side
  • Use ohlikes for something sitting on a table, on top of a book, or on a shelf. Aklikes could be used for something under a table. Taklikes would be for something on the floor. Vlikes would be for something on a wall or the side of something.
Pokko ohhompetvn ohlikes. ‘The ball is sitting on the table.’
  • To describe location on a person, oh- is used for the shoulders or top of the head, v- is used for the chest or back, and ak- is used for the eyes, groin, or buttocks.
  • To describe location on a dog or horse, ohlikes would be for something sitting on the back or head, vlikes would be for something on the sides, and aklikes would be for something in the eyes, groin, or buttocks.
  • For a house, oh- indicates location on the roof, v- indicates location on the walls, and tak- indicates location inside the house or on the grounds outside (e.g., in the yard).

These prefixes are commonly used with positional verbs like liketv ‘(one) to sit’, hueretv ‘(one) to stand’, and wakketv ‘(one) to lie’.

Eco takwakkes. ‘The deer is lying on the ground.’
Eco uewvn akhueres. ‘The deer is standing in the water.’

The prefix and positional verb describe the number of entities involved, their position (sitting, standing, or lying), and their location.

Aklikes. ‘One is sitting in water, mud, the eyes, the groin/buttocks, under a table.’
Takkakes. ‘Two are sitting on the ground/floor, in the yard, inside.’
Oh-vpokes. ‘Three or more are sitting on a table, shelf, the head, shoulders, etc.’
Akhueres. ‘One is standing in (water, mud).’
Taksehokes. ‘Two are standing on the ground or floor, in a yard.’
Ohsvpakles. ‘Three or more are standing on a table, a truck.’

Some verbs imply that the action is focused toward a specific location. In this case, the prefixes show where the action is directed.

aklicetv ‘to set (one) in water, mud, the eyes, etc.’
taklicetv ‘to set (one) on the ground or floor, in the fire’
ohsehoyetv ‘to stand (two) on a table, truck, etc.’
aknvfketv ‘to hit (something) in water, a low place’

Other verbs imply that the action comes from a specific location. In this case, the prefixes show the source of the action.

ak-esetv ‘to take (one) from the eye, water, a low place’

Direction and motion prefixes: ahēces ‘he/she is looking this way

  • Verbs have prefixes showing direction or motion.
hecetv ‘to look, see’
erhecetv ‘to go a distance and look’
rahecetv ‘to go a short distance and look; to look back
’yehecetv ‘to come and see’
ahecetv ‘to look this way
  • The prefix a- often means ‘this way’.
letketv ‘(one) to run’ aletketv ‘(one) to run this way’
vtetv ‘(one) to come’ avtetv ‘(one) to come this way’
vcemketv ‘(one) to climb’ avcemketv ‘(one) to climb this way’
hecetv ‘to look, see’ ahecetv ‘to look this way’
  • With some verbs, a- means ‘from’ or ‘out of’.
lvtketv ‘(one) to fall’ alvtketv ‘(one) to fall from, fall off (a truck, etc.)’
cvwetv ‘to take (two or more)’ acvwetv ‘to take (two or more) out, take off’
  • The patient and dative person markers have special forms after a-.
first person singular patient a- + cv- → avcv-
second person singular patient a- + ce- → aece- → iece-
first person plural patient a- + pu- → aepu- → iepu-
first person singular dative a- + vm → avm
second person singular dative a- + cem → aecem → iecem
third person dative a- + em → aem → iem
first person plural dative a- + pum → aepum → iepum

When a- is followed by e, it’s pronounced ie-.

a- + esetv ‘to take (one)’ iesetv ‘to take (one) out, take off’
  • The prefix ra- is often used to mean ‘back’. It can also be used to mean ‘go a short distance and (do)’.
hecetv ‘to look, see’ rahecetv ‘to look back at’
vtetv ‘to look, see’ ravtetv ‘(one) to come back to’
letketv ‘(one) to run’ raletketv ‘(one) to run back to’
fayetv ‘to hunt’ rafayetv ‘to go a short distance and hunt’
hopoyetv ‘to look for’ rahopoyetv ‘to go a short distance and look for’
  • A prefix res- (or reh-, er-, r-) is used to mean that someone goes a distance and performs the action.
liketv ‘(one) to sit, live’ resliketv ‘(one) to go a distance and sit, live’
hecetv ‘to see, look’ resliketv ‘to go a distance and look’
hopoyetv ‘to look for’ reshopoyetv ‘to go a distance and look for’
  • The prefix ’ye- is uncommon, but means ‘come and (do)’.