PERSON MARKERS are affixes that attach to verbs and identify who is involved in a sentence. Mvskoke has three types of person markers: agent or type I, patient or type II, and dative or type D.
- AGENT PERSON MARKERS are used for the person in control of an action. The agent person markers are all suffixes and translate as a subject in English.
vtotketv ‘to work’ |
vtotk- + -i + -s |
Vtotkis. |
‘I am working.’ |
vtotk- + -etsk + -es |
Vtotketskes. |
‘You are working.’ |
vtotk- + -∅+ -es |
Vtotkes. |
‘He/she is working.’ |
vtotk- + -ē + -s |
Vtotkēs |
‘We are working.’ |
vtotk- + -atsk + -es |
Vtotkatskes. |
‘You all are working.’ |
- PATIENT PERSON MARKERS or cv- prefixes refer to someone who is not in control of a situation. They may refer to a person who is affected by the action or in a state of being.
hecetv ‘to look, see’ |
cv-+hēc-+-es |
Cvhēces. |
‘He/she sees me.’ |
ce-+hēc-+-es |
Cehēces. |
‘He/she sees you.’ |
∅- + hēc- + -es |
Hēces. |
‘He/she sees him/her.’ |
pu-+hēc-+-es |
Puhēces. |
‘He/she sees us.’ |
- DATIVE PERSON MARKERS or vm markers are generally used for those who are less directly involved in a situation.
opunvyetv ‘to speak’ |
vm opunay- + -es |
Vm opunayes. |
‘He/she is speaking for me.’ |
cem opunay- + -es |
Cem opunayes. |
‘He/she is speaking for you.’ |
em opunay- + -es |
Em opunayes. |
‘He/she is speaking for him/her.’ |
pum opunay- + -es |
Pum opunayes. |
‘He/she is speaking for us.’ |
Agent person markers: -i, -etsk, -ē, -atsk
The agent person markers have slightly different forms before consonants and before vowels.
first person singular agent |
-i (before consonant), -vy (before vowel) |
second person singular agent |
-etsk |
third person agent |
(no mark) |
first person plural agent |
-ē (before consonant), -ey (before vowel) |
second person plural agent |
-atsk |
The following are examples of statements.
vtotketv ‘to work’ |
vtotk- + -i + -s |
Vtotkis. |
‘I am working.’ |
vtotk- + -etsk + -es |
Vtotketskes. |
‘You are working.’ |
vtotk- + -∅ + -es |
Vtotkes. |
‘He/she is working.’ |
vtotk- + -ē + -s |
Vtotkēs. |
‘We are working.’ |
vtotk- + -atsk + -es |
Vtotkatskes. |
‘You all are working.’ |
The following are examples of questions.
vtotketv ‘to work’ |
vtotk- + -vy + -v |
Vtotkvyv? |
‘Am I working?’ |
vtotk- + -etsk + -v |
Vtotketskv? |
‘Are you working?’ |
vtotk- + -∅ + -v |
Vtotkv? |
‘Is he/she working?’ |
vtotk- + -ey + -v |
Vtotkeyv? |
‘Are we working?’ |
vtotk- + -atsk + -v |
Vtotkatskv? |
‘Are you all working?’ |
In casual speech, some people pronounce -etsk and -atsk as -ecc and -acc. The second person forms are usually spelled -etsk and -atsk, though some people spell them -eck and -ack.
Vtotkecces. |
‘You are working.’ |
Vtotkeccv? |
‘Are you working?’ |
Vtotkacces. |
‘You all are working.’ |
Vtotkaccv? |
‘Are you all working?’ |
Patient person markers: cv-, ce-, pu-
The patient person markers on verbs are similar to the prefixes used for possession of body parts and family terms (cvcukwv ‘my mouth’, etc.).
first person singular patient |
cv- |
second person patient |
ce- |
third person |
(no mark) |
first person plural patient |
pu- |
- One use of these prefixes is for the person affected by an action.
hecetv ‘to look, see’ |
cv- + hēc- + -es |
Cvhēces. |
‘He/she sees me.’ |
ce- + hēc- + -es |
Cehēces. |
‘He/she sees you.’ |
∅- + hēc- + -es |
Hēces. |
‘He/she sees him/her.’ |
pu- + hēc- + -es |
Puhēces. |
‘He/she sees us.’ |
- Patient person markers are also used for the subjects of verbs that translate as adjectives in English or that express emotion.
enokketv ‘to be sick’ |
cv- + enokk- + -ē + -s |
Cvnokkēs. |
‘I am sick.’ |
ce- + enokk- + -ē + -s |
Cenokkēs. |
‘You are sick.’ |
∅- + enokk- + -ē + -s |
Enokkēs. |
‘He/she/it is sick.’ |
pu- + enokk- + -ē + -s |
Punokkēs. |
‘We are sick.’ |
eyacetv ‘to want’ |
cv- + eyac- + -ē + -s |
Cvyacēs. |
‘I want it.’ |
ce- + eyac- + -ē + -s |
Ceyacēs. |
‘You want it.’ |
∅- + eyac- + -ē + -s |
Eyacēs. |
‘He/she wants it.’ |
pu- + eyac- + -ē + -s |
Puyacēs. |
‘I want it.’ |
- Cv- prefixes may also be used for subjects that perform an action accidentally or involuntarily.
nokliketv ‘to choke’ |
cv- + noklik- + -es |
Cvnoklikes. |
‘I am choking.’ |
ce- + noklik- + -es |
Cenoklikes. |
‘You are choking.’ |
∅- + noklik- + -es |
Noklikes. |
‘He/she is choking.’ |
pu- + noklik- + -es |
Punoklikes. |
‘We are choking.’ |
The cv- prefixes may change their shape slightly depending on the following root.
- The forms cv-, ce-, and pu- are used before consonants.
cvpakketv ‘to get angry’ |
cv- + cvpakk- + -ē + -s |
cvcvpakkēs |
‘I am angry’ |
ce- + cvpakk- + -ē + -s |
cecvpakkēs |
‘you are angry’ |
∅- + cvpakk- + -ē + -s |
cvpakkēs |
‘he/she/it is angry’ |
pu- + cvpakk- + -ē + -s |
pucvpakkēs |
‘we are angry’ |
- Before e, drop the e and treat it the same way.
enokketv ‘to get sick’ |
cv-+enokk-+-ē+-s |
cvnokkēs |
‘I am sick’ |
ce-+enokk-+-ē+-s |
cenokkēs |
‘you are sick’ |
∅- + enokk- + -ē + -s |
enokkēs |
‘he/she is sick’ |
pu-+enokk-+-ē+-s |
punokkēs |
‘we are sick’ |
- Before v, drop the v and use the longer forms vcv-, ece-, and epu-.
vnokecetv ‘to love’ |
vcv- + vnokec- + -ē + -s |
vcvnokecēs |
‘he/she/it loves me’ |
ece- + vnokec- + -ē + -s |
ecenokecēs |
‘he/she/it loves you’ |
∅- + vnokec- + -ē + -s |
vnokecēs |
‘he/she/it loves him/her/it’ |
epu- + vnokec- + -ē + -s |
epunokecēs |
‘he/she/it loves us’ |
- Before o, the prefixes are vc-, ec-, and ep-.
otvketv ‘to hug’ |
vc- + otak- + -es |
vcotakes |
‘he/she is hugging me’ |
ec- + otak- + -es |
ecotakes |
‘he/she is hugging you’ |
∅- + otak- + -es |
otakes |
‘he/she is hugging him/her’ |
ep- + otak- + -es |
epotakes |
‘he/she is hugging us’ |
- Before a or ē, drop that vowel and add vca-, ecē-, and epo-.
afvcketv ‘to get happy’ |
vca- + afvck- + -ē + -s |
vcafvckēs |
‘I am happy’ |
ecē- + afvck- + -ē + -s |
ecēfvckēs |
‘you are happy’ |
∅- + afvck- + -ē + -s |
afvckēs |
‘he/she is happy’ |
epo- + afvck- + -ē + -s |
epofvckēs |
‘we are happy’ |
ēlesketv ‘to get sulky’ |
vca- + ēlesk- + -ē + -s |
vcaleskēs |
‘I am sulky’ |
ece- + ēlesk- + -ē + -s |
ecēleskēs |
‘you are sulky’ |
∅- + ēlesk- + -ē + -s |
ēleskēs |
‘he/she is sulky’ |
epo- + ēlesk- + -ē + -s |
epoleskēs |
‘we are sulky’ |
Dative person markers: vm, cem, em, pum
The dative person markers on verbs are similar to the markers used for possession (vm efv ‘my dog’, etc.).
Before a vowel or m: |
Before a consonant: |
first person singular dative |
vm |
vn- |
second person singular dative |
cem |
cen- |
third person dative |
em |
en- |
first person plural dative |
pum |
pun- |
- The dative person markers often refer to an indirect object: someone who is indirectly affected by the action.
opunvyetv ‘to talk’ |
vm + opunay- + es |
vm opunayes |
‘he/she is talking for me’ |
cem + opunay- + es |
cem opunayes |
‘he/she is talking for you‘ |
em + opunay- + es |
em opunayes |
‘he/she is talking for him/her’ |
pum + opunay- + es |
pum opunayes |
‘he/she is talking for us’ |
- With verbs describing the way something moves, dative person markers mean ‘from’.
letketv |
‘(one) to run’ |
enletketv |
‘(one) to run from (someone)’ |
kvpvketv |
‘to separate’ |
enkvpvketv |
‘to separate from, leave’ |
vkueketv |
‘to move’ |
em vkueketv |
‘to move out of the way of’ |
- A handful of verbs use dative person markers for their subjects.
Vntakēs. |
‘I am better now.’ |
Vnhesset entakēs. |
‘My friend is better now.’ |
Vm ahlvpvtkēs. |
‘I am sober.’ |
Vnhesset em ahlvpvtkēt os. |
‘My friend is sober.’ |
Vm mvttēs. |
‘I am wrong.’ |
Vnhesset em mvttēs. |
‘My friend is wrong.’ |
The vm markers may change their shape slightly based on the word that follows.
- Before a vowel or m, the forms vm, cem, em, and pum are used (see forms above).
- Before other consonants, the forms vn-, cen-, en-, and pun- are used.
yvhiketv ‘to sing’ |
vn- + yvhik- + -es |
vnyvhikes |
‘he/she is singing for me’ |
cen- + yvhik- + -es |
cenyvhikes |
‘he/she is singing for you’ |
en- + yvhik- + -es |
enyvhikes |
‘he/she is singing for him/her’ |
pun- + yvhik- + -es |
punyvhikes |
‘he/she is singing for us’ |
Reflexives: ēhēcis ‘I’m looking at myself’
- The prefix ē- is a special patient prefix that means ‘self’.
nvfketv |
‘to hit’ |
ēnafkes |
‘he is hitting himself/she is hitting herself’ |
hecetv |
‘to look, see’ |
ēhēces |
‘he sees himself/she sees herself’ |
Depending on the subject, it translates as ‘myself’, ‘yourself’, ‘himself’, ‘herself’, ‘themselves’, etc.
hosketv ‘to scratch’ |
ēhoskis |
‘I am scratching myself’ |
ēhosketskes |
‘you are scratching yourself’ |
ēhoskes |
‘he is scratching himself/she is scratching herself’ |
ēhoskēs |
‘we are scratching ourselves’ |
ēhoskatskes |
‘you all are scratching yourselves’ |
Reciprocals: etehecakes ‘they are looking at each other’
- Ete- is a patient prefix that means ‘each other’.
nvfketv ‘to hit’ |
Etenafkēs. |
‘We are hitting each other.’ |
Etenafkatskv? |
‘Are you all hitting each other?’ |
Etenvfkakes. |
‘They are hitting each other.’ |
hecetv ‘to look, see’ |
Etehēcēs. |
‘We are looking at each other.’ |
Etehēcatskv? |
‘Are you all looking at each other?’ |
Etehecakes. |
‘They are looking at each other.’ |
- Before a vowel, ete- is shortened to et-.
ohkayetv |
‘to set (two) on’ |
etohkayetv |
‘to stack (two), set (two) on each other’ |
- The forms etem- or eten- are used as dative person markers.
em punvyetv |
‘to talk for, talk to’ |
etem punvyetv |
‘to talk together, talk to each other’ |
enhompetv |
‘to eat with (someone)’ |
etenhompetv |
‘to eat with each other’ |
Impersonal agent: hēcvkēs ‘one will see, you’ll see’
- Above we learned the agent person markers -vy ‘I’, -etsk ‘you’, -ē ‘we’, and -atsk ‘you all’. There is actually another agent person marker -vk. You use -vk for a “fourth person”: someone indefinite (‘one in general’, ‘you in general’, ‘people in general’).
maketv |
‘to say’ |
makvkēs |
‘one could say, you could say’ |
hecetv |
‘to see, look’ |
hēcvkēs |
‘one could see, you can see’ |
- It’s easy to confuse impersonal agent -vk with plural -vk. Impersonal agent -vk is always short. Plural -vk often changes to -ak or -ahk depending on the grade.
hecetv |
to see, look |
hēcvkēs |
you’ll see, one will see (=impersonal) |
hecakes |
they see (=plural) |
maketv |
to say |
makvkēs |
one could say, you might say (=impersonal) |
makakēs |
they say (=plural) |
Verbs using agent, patient, or dative person markers
Some verbs like hueretv ‘to stand’ use agent (or type I) person markers for their subjects. Others like hekokketv ‘to hiccup’ use patient markers (type II). A few verbs like emmesketv ‘to sweat’ use dative person markers (type D).
hueretv |
‘(one) to stand’ |
huer- + -i + -s |
hueris |
‘I’m standing’ |
hekokketv |
‘to hiccup’ |
cv- + hekokk- + -es |
cvhekokkes |
‘I’m hiccupping’ |
emmesketv |
‘to sweat’ |
vm- + mēsk- + -es |
vmmēskes |
‘I’m sweating’ |
Dictionary entries include information on the type of person markers a verb takes.
hueretv v. to stand (of one) {I} |
hekokketv v. to hiccup {II} |
emmesketv v. to sweat {D} |
The labels I, II, and D in these entries show which person markers a verb takes.
- Usually I verbs describe actions that are controlled and done deliberately.
Type I verbs. |
aklopetv |
‘to take a bath’ |
aklopis |
‘I’m taking a bath’ |
cunēketv |
‘to bend over’ |
cunēkis |
‘I’m bending over’ |
cvyayvketv |
‘to be quiet’ |
cvyayakis |
‘I’m being quiet’ |
fekhonnetv |
‘to stop’ |
fekhonnis |
‘I’m stopping’ |
fēkvpetv |
‘to rest’ |
fēkapis |
‘I’m resting’ |
fiketv |
‘(one) to turn (left, etc.)’ |
fikis |
‘I’m turning’ |
folotketv |
‘(one) to turn around’ |
folotkis |
‘I’m turning around’ |
hvlketv |
‘(one) to crawl’ |
hvlkis |
‘I’m crawling’ |
hvtvpketv |
‘(one) to step down’ |
hvtapkis |
‘I’m stepping down’ |
letketv |
‘(one) to run’ |
lētkis |
‘I’m running’ |
liketv |
‘(one) to sit’ |
likis |
‘I’m sitting down’ |
mesētticetv |
‘to wink’ |
mesētticis |
‘I’m winking’ |
mosoletv |
‘to close the eyes’ |
mosolis |
‘I’m closing my eye(s)’ |
nekēyetv |
‘to move’ |
nekēyis |
‘I’m moving’ |
ohhvyvtketv |
‘to stay the night’ |
ohhvyatkis |
‘I’m staying the night’ |
opvnetv |
‘to dance’ |
opanis |
‘I’m dancing’ |
ossetv |
‘to go out’ |
ossis |
‘I’m going out’ |
pocketv |
‘to squirt, spit’ |
pockis |
‘I’m squirting, spitting’ |
posketv |
‘to fast’ |
poskis |
‘I’m fasting’ |
pvcēssetv |
‘to swerve’ |
pvcēssis |
‘I’m swerving’ |
rakpvlketv |
‘to roll over’ |
rakpvlkis |
‘I’m rolling over’ |
rēsketv |
‘to blow the nose’ |
rēskis |
‘I’m blowing my nose’ |
selaksēketv |
‘to scream’ |
selaksēkis |
‘I’m screaming’ |
svyoklasketv |
‘to swing’ |
svyoklaskis |
‘I’m swinging’ |
tasketv |
‘(one) to jump’ |
taskis |
‘I’m jumping’ |
tokkeketv |
‘to kneel’ |
tokkēkis |
‘I’m kneeling’ |
vfvnnvketv |
‘to look around’ |
vfvnnakis |
‘I’m looking around’ |
vlvketv |
‘(one) to arrive here’ |
vlakis |
‘I’m here, arriving here’ |
vretv |
‘(one) to go about’ |
aris |
‘I’m going about’ |
vteloketv |
‘to gather (together)’ |
vtelokēs |
‘we’re gathering (together)’ |
vtvrketv |
‘to hang’ |
vtarkis |
‘I’m hanging’ |
wakketv |
‘(one) to lie down’ |
wakkis |
‘I’m lying down’ |
wohoketv |
‘to howl’ |
wohokis |
‘I’m howling (like a dog)’ |
wvswaketv |
‘to whisper’ |
wvswakis |
‘I’m whispering’ |
yefolketv |
‘to go back’ |
yefolkis |
‘I’m going back’ |
yvhiketv |
‘to sing’ |
yvhikis |
‘I’m singing’ |
yvkvpetv |
‘(one) to walk’ |
yvkapis |
‘I’m walking’ |
One exception is the verb owetv ‘to be’. When owetv is used with a noun phrase, it uses type I person markers even though the action is not deliberate.
owetv |
‘to be’ |
Mvhayvt owis. |
‘I am a teacher.’ |
Opanvt owetskv? |
‘Are you a dancer?’ |
Another exception is numerals, which use agent person marking even though they seem not to be deliberate.
hokkolen |
‘two’ |
hokkoleyvrēs |
‘we will be two’ |
tuccēnen |
‘three’ |
tuccēneyvrēs |
‘we will be three’ |
- II verbs usually describe states of being or actions that are accidental or not done on purpose.
Type II verbs. |
afvcketv |
‘to be happy’ |
vcafvckēs |
‘I’m happy’ |
aksomketv |
‘(one) to sink (in water)’ |
vcaksomkes |
‘I’m sinking (in water)’ |
coknahetv |
‘to talk nonsense’ |
cvcoknahes |
‘I’m talking in my sleep’ |
cuehetv |
‘to be frozen stiff’ |
cvcuehēs |
‘I’m petrified, frozen’ |
cutketv |
‘to be small’ |
cvcutkēs |
‘I’m small’ |
cvfeknetv |
‘to recover’ |
cvcvfeknēs |
‘I’m healthy’ |
cvpakketv |
‘to get mad’ |
cvcvpakkēs |
‘I’m mad’ |
elvwetv |
‘to be hungry’ |
cvlvwēs |
‘I’m hungry’ |
emahlvpvtketv |
‘to be sober’ |
cvmahlvpvtkēs |
‘I’m sober’ |
enokketv |
‘to be sick’ |
cvnokkēs |
‘I’m sick’ |
etkoletv |
‘to have chills’ |
cvtkolēs |
‘I’m cold’ |
ewvnhketv |
‘to be thirsty’ |
cvwvnhkēs |
‘I’m thirsty’ |
fekcakhetv |
‘to get jealous’ |
cvfekcakhēs |
‘I’m jealous’ |
fekēketv |
‘to shake, tremble’ |
cvfekēkes |
‘I’m shaking’ |
fekhvmketv |
‘to be brave’ |
cvfekhvmkēs |
‘I’m brave’ |
feknokketv |
‘to be sad’ |
cvfeknokkēs |
‘I’m sad’ |
feksomketv |
‘to be startled’ |
cvfeksomkēs |
‘I’m startled’ |
fekwvnhetv |
‘to be out of breath’ |
cvfekwvnhēs |
‘I’m out of breath’ |
hekohketv |
‘to have hiccups’ |
cvhekohkes |
‘I’m hiccupping’ |
hepetketv |
‘to have a fever’ |
cvhepetkēs |
‘I’m feverish’ |
holketv |
‘to hurt (from a burn)’ |
cvholkēs |
‘I’m scalded’ |
honecetv |
‘to be wild’ |
cvhonecēs |
‘I’m wild’ |
hotosetv |
‘to tire, grow weary’ |
cvhotosēs |
‘I’m tired’ |
hvsvfketv |
‘to swell’ |
cvhvsvfkēs |
‘I’m swollen (all over)’ |
lekwetv |
‘to decay, have a sore’ |
cvlekwēs |
‘I have a sore’ |
lotokketv |
‘to be numb with fright’ |
cvlotokkēs |
‘I’m numb, petrified’ |
lowaketv |
‘to be limber, weak’ |
cvlowakēs |
‘I’m weak’ |
lvcpetv |
‘to be wet’ |
cvlvcpēs |
‘I’m wet’ |
mahyomketv |
‘to be dizzy’ |
cvmahyomkēs |
‘I’m dizzy’ |
nokliketv |
‘to choke’ |
cvnoklikes |
‘I’m choking’ |
noksomketv |
‘to be hoarse’ |
cvnoksomkēs |
‘I’m hoarse’ |
nuckeletv |
‘to be sleepy’ |
cvnuckelēs |
‘I’m sleepy’ |
penkvletv |
‘to be afraid’ |
cvpenkvlēs |
‘I’m afraid’ |
pohyvketv |
‘to be lonesome’ |
cvpohyvkēs |
‘I’m lonesome’ |
polsetv |
‘to be sickly’ |
cvpolsēs |
‘I’m sickly, out of sorts’ |
pvlvlvketv |
‘to be crippled’ |
cvpvlvlvkēs |
‘I’m crippled’ |
somketv |
‘(one) to be lost’ |
cvsomkēs |
‘I’m lost’ |
sulketv |
‘to be many, numerous’ |
pusulkēs |
‘we are many (now)’ |
tokrihnetv |
‘to slobber’ |
cvtokrihnes |
‘I’m slobbering’ |
tvhopketv |
‘to be nimble’ |
cvtvhopkēs |
‘I’m nimble’ |
vculetv |
‘to be old, aged’ |
vcvculēs |
‘I’m old’ |
vholwvketv |
‘to be dirty’ |
vcvholwvkēs |
‘I’m dirty’ |
vhonecetv |
‘to wake up’ |
vcvhonecēs |
‘I’m awake’ |
vlsetv |
‘to be bashful’ |
vcvlsēs |
‘I’m bashful’ |
vpessetv |
‘to be fat’ |
vcvpessēs |
‘I’m fat’ |
vpuecetv |
‘to dream’ |
vcvpueces |
‘I’m dreaming’ |
yekcetv |
‘to be strong’ |
cvyekcēs |
‘I’m strong’ |
yoksēhnetv |
‘to catch a cold’ |
cvyoksēhnēs |
‘I have a cold’ |
yopaklvtketv |
‘to fall behind’ |
cvyopaklatkes |
‘I’m falling behind’ |
- Type D verbs are uncommon. Only a few verbs use dative markers for their subjects.
Type D verbs: |
em ahlvpvtketv ‘to get to feel better, sober up’ |
Vm ahlvpvtkēs. |
‘I am sober.’ |
Vnhesset em ahlvpvtkēt os. |
‘My friend is sober.’ |
emmesketv ‘to sweat’ |
Vm mēskes. |
‘I’m sweating.’ |
Mv honvnwvt em mēskes. |
‘The man is sweating.’ |
emmvttetv ‘to miss, make a mistake, sin’ |
Vm mvtiyes. |
‘I missed it.’ |
Mv honvnwvt em mvtiyes. |
‘The man missed it.’ |
enheretv ‘to have fun’ |
Vnherētt os. |
‘I’m having fun.’ |
Mv hoktēt enherētt os. |
‘The woman is having fun.’ |
em vnheretv ‘to like (a person, animal)’ |
Vm vnherēt os. |
‘I enjoy it.’ |
Jack Jill em vnherēt os. |
‘Jack likes Jill.’ |
enkusvpketv ‘to be needy’ |
Vnkusvpkēt os. |
‘I’m needy.’ |
Mv estuce enkusvpkēt os. |
‘The child is needy.’ |
em etetaketv ‘to get ready’ |
Vm etetakēs. |
‘I’m ready.’ |
Mv estuce em etetakēs. |
‘The baby is ready.’ |
em etektvnkē ‘having free time’ |
Vm etektvnkēt os. |
‘I’m free.’ |
Mv honvnwv em etektvnkēt os. |
‘The man is free.’ |
em enhelvpketv ‘to be in a hurry’ |
Vm enhelvpkētt os. |
‘I’m in a hurry.’ |
Chicot em enhelvpkētt os. |
‘Chico is in a hurry.’ |
ientaklvtketv ‘to drop (by accident)’ |
Eshoccickv avntaklvtiks. |
‘I dropped my pen.’ |
Miste eshoccickv ientaklvtiks. |
‘That man dropped his pen.’ |
em vnvcketv ‘to be lucky’ |
Vm vnvckēt os. |
‘I’m lucky.’ |
Miste em vnvckēt os. |
‘That man is lucky.’ |
- Some verbs describe actions that may be done on purpose or by accident. The following verbs can use agent or patient person marking and are labeled I/II in the dictionary.
Type I/II verbs. |
solotketv ‘(one) to slide, slip’ |
Solotkis. |
‘I’m sliding, slipping’ |
Cvsolotkes. |
‘I’m sliding, slipping’ |
lvtketv ‘(one) to fall, drop’ |
Latkis. |
‘I’m falling.’ |
Cvlatkes. |
‘I’m falling.’ |
haktēsketv ‘to sneeze’ |
Haktēskis. |
‘I’m sneezing.’ |
Cvhaktēskes. |
‘I’m sneezing.’ |
kvwvpketv ‘(one) to rise’ |
Kvwapkis. |
‘I’m rising.’ |
Cvkvwapkes. |
‘I’m rising.’ |
nocayetv ‘to yawn’ |
Nocayis. |
‘I’m yawning.’ |
Cvnocayes. |
‘I’m yawning.’ |
nucetv ‘(one) to go to sleep’ |
Nocis. |
‘I’m sleeping.’ |
Cvnoces. |
‘I’m sleeping.’ |
ohoketv ‘to cough’ |
Ohokis. |
‘I’m coughing.’ |
Vcohokes. |
‘I’m coughing.’ |
vwotetv ‘to vomit’ |
Vwotis. |
‘I’m vomiting.’ |
Vcvwotes. |
‘I’m vomiting.’ |
Combining person markers
Person markers may be combined on the same verb to show different people. Dative and patient markers come before the verb root, while agent markers come after the verb root.
Dative |
Patient |
Agent |
vm |
cv- |
-i |
first person singular |
cem |
ce- |
-etsk |
second person singular |
em |
(no mark) |
(no mark) |
third person |
pum |
pu- |
-ē |
first person plural |
cem |
ce- |
-atsk |
second person plural |
The verb nvfketv ‘to hit’ is a verb that uses agent markers for its subject and patient person markers for its object. We can call it a I;II verb to show that.
cenafkis |
‘I am hitting you/you all’ |
cenafkēs |
‘we are hitting you/you all’ |
nafkis |
‘I am hitting him/her/it’ |
nafkēs |
‘we are hitting him/her’ |
nafketskes |
‘you are hitting him/her/it’ |
cvnafkatskes |
‘you all are hitting me’ |
cvnafketskes |
‘you are hitting me’ |
nafkatskes |
‘you all are hitting him/her’ |
nafketskes |
‘you are hitting him/her’ |
punafkatskes |
‘you all are hitting us’ |
punafketskes |
‘you are hitting us’ |
cvnafkes |
‘he/she is hitting me’ |
cenafkes |
‘he/she is hitting you/you all’ |
nafkes |
‘he/she is hitting him/her’ |
punafkes |
‘he/she is hitting us’ |
- Many verbs like nvfketv ‘to hit’ are I;II, using agent markers for the subject and patient markers for the object.
Type I;II verbs. |
akketv |
‘to bite’ |
cefketv |
‘to punch, poke, jab’ |
celayetv |
‘to touch, feel’ |
ēhetv |
‘to hide (someone or something)’ |
elēcetv |
‘to kill’ |
hecetv |
‘to see, look at’ |
hopeletv |
‘to bury’ |
hopoyetv |
‘to hunt for’ |
hoyvnetv |
‘to pass by’ |
kicetv |
‘to tell’ |
licetv |
‘to seat, set, make sit’ |
naoricetv |
‘to bother’ |
nvfketv |
‘to hit’ |
ohcemketv |
‘to climb on top of’ |
ohlaksetv |
‘to tell a lie about’ |
oh-vtetv |
‘to come toward’ |
okkosetv |
‘to wash’ |
pohetv |
‘to hear’ |
rvhetv |
‘to shoot, hit’ |
’svretv |
‘(one) to go about with, date’ |
takketv |
‘to kick’ |
tepketv |
‘to spank’ |
vccaketv |
‘to lean against’ |
vfvstetv |
‘to take care of’ |
vhayetv |
‘to draw’ |
vnokecetv |
‘to love’ |
- Verbs like em pohetv ‘to ask of (someone)’ are I;D verbs. They use agent markers for subjects and dative markers for objects.
cem pohis |
‘I am asking you/you all’ |
cem pohēs |
‘we are asking you/you all’ |
em pohis |
‘I am asking him/her/them’ |
em pohēs |
‘we are asking him/her/them’ |
vm pohetskes |
‘you are asking me’ |
vm pohatskes |
‘you all are asking me’ |
em pohetskes |
‘you are asking him/her/them’ |
em pohatskes |
‘you all are asking him/her/them’ |
pum pohetskes |
‘you are asking us’ |
pum pohatskes |
‘you all are asking us’ |
- Verbs like encvpakketv ‘to get mad at’ are II;D and use patient markers for subjects and dative markers for objects.
cencvcvpakkēs |
‘I am mad at you/you all’ |
cenpucvpakkēs |
‘we are mad at you/you all’ |
encvcvpakkēs |
‘I am mad at him/her’ |
enpucvpakkēs |
‘we are mad at him/her ’ |
vncecvpakkēs |
‘you are mad at me’ |
encecvpakkēs |
‘you are mad at him/her’ |
puncecvpakkēs |
‘you are mad at us’ |
vncvpakkēs |
‘he/she is mad at me’ |
cencvpakkēs |
‘he/she is mad at you/you all’ |
puncvpakkēs |
‘he/she is mad at us’ |