
8 Plurals of nouns: hopuetake ‘children’

In English, almost every noun has a plural: book, books; man, men, etc. In Mvskoke, only a few nouns referring to humans have plural forms. Most nouns like efv do not have a plural and can be translated as ‘dog’ or ‘dogs’ depending on context.

  • A few nouns referring to humans that end in wv have a plural in -take.
honvnwv ‘male, man’ honvntake ‘men’
hopuewv ‘child’ hopuetake ‘children’
ēwvnwv ‘(a man’s) sister’ ēwvnwvtake ‘(a man’s) sisters’
vpvlwv ‘the rest’ vpvltake ‘the others’
  • A few other nouns referring to humans use -vke in the plural.
hoktē ‘female, woman’ hoktvke ‘women’
mēkko ‘chief’ mēkkvke ‘chiefs’
hoktvlwv ‘old woman’ hoktvlvke ‘old women’
cēpvnē ‘boy’ cēpvnvke ‘boys’
vculē ‘old person’ vculvke ‘old people’
  • When a noun has a special plural form, that plural form must be used in plural contexts.

Este-honvntake hokkolet welakvtēs.
person-males        two         (two) were about
‘Two men were about (very long ago).’

Group plural –vlke

The suffix -vlke is used for groups of people like clans, tribes, or denominations.

cetto ‘snake’ Cettvlke ‘Snake clan’
fuswv ‘bird’ Fuswvlke ‘Bird clan’
kaccv ‘tiger’ Kaccvlke ‘Tiger clan’
wotko ‘raccoon’ Wotkvlke ‘Raccoon clan’
este Maskoke ‘Muscogee person’ este Maskokvlke ‘the Muscogee’
este Semvnole ‘Seminole person’ este Semvnolvlke ‘the Seminole’
este Cahtv ‘Choctaw person’ este Cahtvlke ‘the Choctaw’
este Cvlakke ‘Cherokee person’ este Cvlakkvlke ‘the Cherokee’