
5 Parts of a Verb

Verbs is Mvskoke include both PREFIXES (which come before the root) and SUFFIXES (which come after the root).


The most common prefixes on verbs are shown in the table below.

Directional: Instrumental: Dative: Patient: Locative: ROOT
a- es- vm cv- v-
er- cem ce- ak-
ra- em oh-
‘ye- pum pu tak-

DIRECTIONAL prefixes indicate direction or motion.

hecetv ‘to look, see’
ahecetv ‘to look this way
erhecetv ‘to go a distance and look’
rahecetv ‘to go a short distance and and look; to look back
‘yehecetv ‘to come and see, visit’
The INSTRUMENTAL prefix adds something used in the action (such as a tool).
taces ‘he/she is cutting it’
estaces ‘he/she is cutting it with it’

DATIVE PERSON MARKERS often indicate someone indirectly affected by the action.

vntaces ‘he/she is cutting it for me
centaces ‘he/she is cutting it for you
entaces ‘he/she is cutting it for him/her
puntaces ‘he/she is cutting it for us

PATIENT PERSON MARKERS indicate someone directly affected by the action or in a state of being.

cvnafkes ‘he/she is hitting me’ cvfeknokkēs ‘I’m sad’
cenafkes ‘he/she is hitting you’ cewvnhkēs ‘you’re sad’
nafkes ‘he/she is hitting him/her’ feknokkēs ‘he/she is sad’
punafkes ‘he/she is hitting us’ pufeknokkēs ‘we are sad’

LOCATIVE prefixes clarify where the action in directed.

aklikes ‘he/she is sitting in water or a low place
ohlikes ‘he/she/it is sitting on (a table, shelf, etc.)’
taklikes ‘he/she/it is sitting on the ground or floor
vlikes ‘he/she/it is sitting at (a table), sitting on (a wall, etc.)’


Verbs also take many different suffixes.

ROOT Spontaneous Plural Near Future Agent Negative Tense Mood
-ep -vk -vhan -i -eko -is -es
-etsk -vnk -v
-emvt -vs
-atsk -vtē

The spontaneous suffix -ep has different forms -ēp and -ehp. One use is to give the action a casual reading.

ayvtēs ‘he/she went (very long ago)’
vyēpvtēs ‘he/she took off (very long ago)’

Depending on how it’s used, the plural suffix -vk has different forms -ak and -ahk. It generally indicates a plural subject.

nēses ‘he/she is buying it’
nesakes they are buying it’

The near future suffix -vhan usually translates as ‘going to’.

hompis ‘I’m eating’
hompvhanis ‘I’m going to eat’

AGENT PERSON MARKERS show the person responsible for an action.

hompis I‘m eating’
hompetskes you‘re eating’
hompes ‘he/she is eating’
hompēs we are eating’
hompatskes you all are eating’

Mvskoke makes several distinctions in tense.

nēses ‘he/she is buying it’
nēsis ‘he/she was buying it (today/last night)’ (pronounced [nēsîs])
nēsvnks ‘he/she bought it (yesterday/several weeks ago)’
nēsemvts ‘he/she bought it (several weeks ago to about a year)’
nēsvntvs ‘he/she used to buy it (long ago, at least several years)’
nēsvtēs ‘he/she bought it (very long ago)’

Suffixes at the end of a verb show the function of the sentence or mood.

hompes ‘he/she is eating’ statement
hompvs! ‘eat!’ command
hompv? ‘is he/she eating?’ question

Additional suffixes on verbs are used to connect one sentence to another.

ayet ‘he/she is going and (the same one is the subject of the next sentence)’
ayen ‘he/she is going and (someone else is the subject of the next sentence)’
ayat as he/she goes, where he/she goes, the one who goes…’
ayof when he/she goes…’
ayen owat if he/she goes…’
ayekv ‘he/she is going, so…’
ayet owisen ‘he/she is going, but…’