
27 Relative clauses

  • A RELATIVE CLAUSE is a clause (or sentence) that modifies a noun. You can turn a sentence into a relative clause by adding -at to the verb stem and by removing any subject or object markers.
Mv honvnwvt yi alikes. ‘That man is sitting there.’
mv honvnwv_ yi alikat ‘that man who is sitting there’
Mv hoktē nakcokvn oh-onayes. ‘The woman is reading a book.’
mv hoktē nakcokvn oh-onayes. ‘the woman who is reading a book’
  • You can use the whole expression in a sentence.
Mv honvnwv yi alikat estimvt owa? ‘Who is that man sitting there?’
Mv hoktē nakcokv oh-onayat vnhesset os. ‘That woman who is reading the book is my friend.’