
10 Numerals: hvmken ‘one’ , hokkolen ‘two’

Here are the numbers from one to twenty.

hvmken ‘one’
hokkolen ‘two’
tuccēnen ‘three’
osten ‘four’
cahkēpen ‘five’
ēpaken ‘six’
kolvpaken ‘seven’
cenvpaken ‘eight’
ostvpaken ‘nine’
palen ‘ten’
palen hvmkontvlaken ‘eleven’
palen hokkolohkaken ‘twelve’
palen tuccenohkaken ‘thirteen’
palen ostohkaken ‘fourteen’
palen cahkepohkaken ‘fifteen’
palen ēpohkaken ‘sixteen’
palen kolvpohkaken ‘seventeen’
palen cenvpohkaken ‘eighteen’
palen ostvpohkaken ‘nineteen’
pale-hokkolen ‘twenty’

The numbers 21 to 29 are the same as 11 to 19, but with pale-hokkolen ‘twenty’ instead of palen ‘ten’.

pale-hokkolen ‘twenty’
pale-hokkolen hvmkontvlaken ‘twenty-one’
pale-hokkolen hokkolohkaken ‘twenty-two’
palen-hokkolen tuccenohkaken ‘twenty-three’
palen-hokkolen ostohkaken ‘twenty-four’
palen-hokkolen cahkepohkaken ‘twenty-five’
palen-hokkolen ēpohkaken ‘twenty-six’
palen-hokkolen kolvpohkaken ‘twenty-seven’
palen-hokkolen cenvpohkaken ‘twenty-eight’
palen-hokkolen ostvpohkaken ‘twenty-nine’

Here are the higher numbers by tens. The numbers in between are expressed the same way as for palen-hokkolen ‘twenty.

pale-tuccēnen ‘thirty’
pale-osten ‘forty’
pale-cahkēpen ‘fifty’
pale-ēpaken ‘sixty’
pale-kolvpaken ‘seventy’
pale-cenvpaken ‘eighty’
pale-ostvpaken ‘ninety’

The word for hundred is cokpe. Thousand is cokpe-rakko (“big hundred”) and million is cokpe-rakko-vcule (“old big hundred”).

cokpe hvmken ‘one hundred’
cokpe-rakko hvmken ‘one thousand’
cokpe-rakko-vcule hvmken ‘one million’

Using numbers

  • Numerals follow the nouns they modify: efv hvmkenone dog’, efv hokkolentwo dogs’, efv tuccēnenthree dogs’, etc.
  • When counting, the numerals end with -n: hvmken, hokkolen, tuccēnen, etc. When used in a sentence, -t is used for a subject, and -n is used for a direct object.
    Efv hvmket cvhēces.    ‘One dog sees me.’
    Efv hvmken hēcis.         ‘I see one dog.’

When it’s clear from context, the noun preceding a number can be left off.

Hvmken hēcis.                 ‘I see one.’

Ordinal numbers: ’svhvmkat ‘the first’

ORDINAL NUMBERS describe position in a sequence (‘first’, ‘second’, etc.).

hvmken ‘one’ ’svhvmkat ‘the first’
hokkolen ‘two’ ’svhokkolat ‘the second’
tuccēnen ‘three’ ’svtuccēnat ‘the third’
osten ‘four’ ’sostat ‘the fourth’
cahkēpen ‘five’ ’svcahkēpat ‘the fifth’
ēpaken ‘six’ ’sēpakat ‘the sixth’
kolvpaken ‘seven’ eskolvpakat ‘the seventh’
cenvpaken ‘eight’ escenvpakat ‘the eighth’
ostvpaken ‘nine’ ’sostvpakat ‘the ninth’
palen ‘ten’ espalat ‘the tenth’
palen hvmkontvlaken ‘eleven’ palen eshvmkontvlakat ‘the eleventh’
palen hokkolohkaken ‘twelve’ palen eshokkolohkakat ‘the twelfth’

Ordinals may be used after a noun: nettv ’sēpakat ‘the sixth day’. They may also be used independently with an implied noun: ’sēpakat ‘the sixth one’.


  • Here are some patterns you can use for adding numbers:
Hvmken hvtvm hvmken hokkolen hakes. ‘One and one makes two.’
Hvmken hvtvm hokkolen ‘If you add one and two, it makes three.’
etohkaletsken owat, tuccēnen hakes.
  • Here is a pattern for subtraction:
Ostat hokkolen encawetsken owat, ‘If you take two from four, two remains.’
hokkolet vhoskēs.
  • Here is one pattern for multiplication:
Hokkolat estuccēnen owat, ‘Two times three is six.’
kolvpaken hakes.
Palen ’svhokkolen owat, ‘Ten times two makes twenty.’
pale-hokkolen hakēs.
  • Here is another pattern for multiplication. This way is harder, but sounds more correct.
Osten ’sosticetsken owat, ‘Four times four is sixteen.’
palen ēpohkaken hakēs.
Palen ’svhokkolicetsken owat, ‘Ten times two makes twenty.’
pale-hokkolen hakēs.