
17 Intellectual Disability

This section includes the IDEA definition of the disability from federal law, along with specific information about eligibility criteria in Virginia. In addition, there is information about the prevalence, causes, and characteristics of this disability, along with specific strategies and accommodations that can meet the needs of students with this disability.

Aligned Standards

IDEA Definition

§ 300.8 (c) (6)

Intellectual disability means significantly subaverage general intellectual functioning, existing concurrently with deficits in adaptive behavior and manifested during the developmental period, that adversely affects a child’s educational performance. The term “intellectual disability” was formerly termed “mental retardation.”

Virginia’s definition of Intellectual Disability (ID)

Eligibility Criteria

VDOE Supplemental Guidance for Evaluation and Eligibility Virginia-specific guidance document that includes sample eligibility checklist (Refer to Table of Contents pages 2-4 and click on page number for disability category)

Advocacy organizations

The American Association on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities (AAIDD)is the oldest and largest professional society advocating for the rights of individuals with ID.

ABOUT intellectual disability


Visit Distribution of Students with Disabilities by percentage – National Center for Education Statistics for prevalence data for students with disabilities by disability category.

Visit the US Department of Education’s Open Data Platform to access IDEA Child Count Data by disability category, age, and other demographic and special education variables.


The Council for Intellectual Disabilities outlines the major causes of ID in the following categories:

  • genetic conditions
  • problems during pregnancy
  • problems at birth
  • health problems in childhood

FAQs on Intellectual Disabilities – This AAIDD web page provides brief answers to some frequently asked questions (FAQs) about intellectual disability (ID).


Defining Criteria for Intellectual Disability – From the AAIDD, this web page describes eligibility criteria for ID including definition, intellectual functioning, adaptive behavior requirements, and age of onset. Finally, an additional considerations section is also included.

instructional strategies

This VDOE TTAC website includes resources for students with ID. Parents/guardians, teachers, and individuals will find resources on assessment, diploma options, degrees, assistive technology, transition, and instructional resources.

Supporting Individuals with ID and Mental Illness – This multidisciplinary open educational resource resource by Melrose et al. (2015; CC BY-4.0) “develops topics of interest to all those who care about and for individuals with co-occurring intellectual disabilities and mental illness. Each chapter presents current evidence-informed practice knowledge. Each topic is also presented with audio-enabled text boxes emphasizing ‘Key Points for Caregivers.’ For those who are interested in background knowledge, we provided a comprehensive literature base. And, for those interested mainly in ‘what to do,’ we provided text box summaries for reading and listening.”

accommodations / modifications

Virginia Alternative Assessment Program (VAAP) – This VDOE web page includes parent and teacher resources for VAAP including: test administration materials, sample items from the VAAP, blueprints, performance levels, and information on the one percent waiver.

Guidance Document VAAP Participation – This document provides individualized education program (IEP) teams with additional information to guide their decision making related to students’ participation in the VAAP. This guidance document focuses on the second question on the VAAP Participation Criteria, “Does the student have a significant cognitive disability?”

Inclusion for People with ID – This web page from the Council for Intellectual Disabilities includes why inclusion is important and includes a video.

Inclusion Services for Organizations – This website discusses options for making organizations more inclusive and accessible. Resources are described and links are provided.


Intellectual Disability – This PowerPoint slide deck provides an overview of intellectual disability.


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Introduction to Special Education Resource Repository Copyright © 2023 by Serra De Arment; Ann S. Maydosz; Kat Alves; Kim Sopko; Christan Grygas Coogle; Cassandra Willis; Roberta A. Gentry; and C.J. Butler is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.