
Brian Exploring Press Books


Test with CS Times font 123 !@#
Test with Scale Degree Times font 123 !@#

Test with Figurato font 123 !@#
                          864    ddd   ddd   753                                             64    dd   dd   dd   dd   5d   ,d   ,d   ,d   ,3

Test with Figurato2 font 123 !@#
hello alsjdf;lj a;slkjdf;l ;alskj df
hello Vhello
hello a;lksdl;f ja;lskdjf ;laksjd f
Chopin Caption 2

Brian’s Font Test on Personal Website



Brian Exploring Press Books Copyright © 2021 by Mark Gotham; Kyle Gullings; Chelsey Hamm; Bryn Hughes; Brian Jarvis; Megan Lavengood; and John Peterson. All Rights Reserved.

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