52 Pennsylvania
Elizabeth Johnson
Geology and mineral resources of the Mifflintown quadrangle, Pennsylvania

Use this link to zoom in and pan around the map: https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/ngm-bin/pdp/zui_viewer.pl?id=46722

Use this link to zoom in and pan around the cross-sections: https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/ngm-bin/pdp/zui_viewer.pl?id=46723
The link to the page for this map is: https://ngmdb.usgs.gov/Prodesc/proddesc_32840.htm

13. Rock unit Sr (the Rose Hill Formation) in the center of structure A is _______ unit Sb (the Bloomsburg Formation) in the outside of Structure A.
- younger than
- the same age as
- older than
14. Examine the strike and dip symbols around Structure A, especially near the center of the map. The rock beds dip towards the ________ of Structure A.
- center
- outside
15. Structure A is:
(Hint: look at the cross-sections and review structures at Folds and Plunging Folds)
- an anticline
- a plunging anticline
- a syncline
- a plunging syncline
16. Structure B is:
(Hint: look at the cross-sections and review structures at Folds and Plunging Folds)
- an anticline
- a plunging anticline
- a syncline
- a plunging syncline
Curious as to which (compressional) plate tectonic event caused this geologic mess? Read about it here: http://faculty.kutztown.edu/friehauf/Pennsylvania_history/0275_Pennsylvania_tectonic_history.html
You can also check out this event on the plate tectonic animation through time- look around 300 million years ago. Plate Motion Through Geologic Time