36 Relative Ages 1
Elizabeth Johnson and Cindy Kearns
Drag the letters to the list on the right, placing them in the correct order. There may be more than one possible correct order. It is best to start with the oldest (bottom of the list) and work your way to the youngest.
Complete the relative age exercise above before answering the following questions:
Question 3. How many deformation events (folding or tilting) occurred?
- 1
- 2
- 3
- 4
Question 4. When did the tilting events occur? Choose 2.
- the first event occured before depostion of “I” and after unconformity “H”
- the first event occured after deposition of “I” and before unconformity “H”
- the second event occurred before depostion of “A” and intrusion of “C”
- the second event occured after depostion of “A” and intrusion of “C”
Question 5. Is “C” a flow or sill? What principle MOST helped to determine your answer?
Question 6. What type of unconformity is “H”?
- disconformity
- nonconformity
- angular unconformity